My Etsy Shop

Monday, March 31, 2008


I blame it on my Mother, who managed to instill in her children a total inability to be idle. I don't mean idleness in the physical sense - it's not that I feel the need to be active physically, to run around the block or anything (would that I could run around the block, haha). I mean in the sense of "vegging out". I just can't do it. I need to be productive, even if I'm just sitting watching a movie, waiting at the doctor's office, riding in the car or on a train; I need something to do with my hands.

And since paints aren't exactly portable (although I do carry a sketchbook) I've taken up knitting again. I'm starting small, with simple patterns; scarves and afghans and such. The piece shown above, called a "Reader's Wrap" is one I completed while spending many hours in hospital waiting rooms, and visiting John during his recent heart surgery. It's a kind of long, rectangular shawl (doubled over here) with pockets at each end. It's thrown over the living room sofa, perfect for throwing over my shoulders on chilly evenings as I read or knit, or taking to an outdoor concert to be worn after the sun goes down, or an air conditioned movie theater....I love it so much I'm working on another, which will probably end up as a Christmas gift this year. :)

I've also recently discovered some WONDERFUL hand spun yarns on Etsy, and am in the process of knitting a couple of scarves. Check out the sellers moonlightbaker and kittygrrlz. Just gorgeous colors!

Next, I'm thinking about trying some slippers or hats and mittens. And I'm giving fair warning to my neices and newphews that I'm turning into the crazy aunt who knits all the Christmas gifts. ;)

Just had to share something a little different. I'll be back in a couple of days with a new Halloween chair (in progress now)....

Until then, have a wonderful, creative and productive week, all!

~ Carolee

Friday, March 28, 2008

Cat Wisdom

"Reach for the stars...Howl at the moon...Bask in the sun...Purr...Don't be a fraidy cat..."

Just had to share this one. I thought I'd try a really different, whimsical, almost childlike lettering style on this piece, and was so pleased with the result I almost kept it, hehe. It's a lazy susan (listed now on eBay), beautifully handmade here in PA, and as I worked I was picturing it sitting on top of my "new" dining room table....

Well, OK, at two years, the table's not actually NEW anymore. But since it's still leaning against a wall, wrapped in plastic, waiting for me to paint it all bright and funky, I'm calling it new until I can find the time to begin painting. :)

Furniture can be such a fun canvas, and so many pieces have been calling to me lately..... But there's the shipping dilemma. Large pieces can only go by freight or local pick up, which makes it too costly and impractical for bidders who live far away. So I'm contenting myself with some fun accent pieces and children's furniture (look for a very bright and funky child's chair next week!)

I'm also working on pieces for this year's Ghoultide Gathering - just a little over six months away now, teehee!! (That was my best cackle)...Every time I think about it I'm simultaneously giddy with excitement and overwhelmed by the amount of painting I have to finish in six short months....Wish me luck!

Speaking of painting, I'm off to face the day now - feeling blessed as I do every day that I'm able to do something I truly LOVE full time.....doesn't get any better than that. :)

~ Carolee

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Seek Magick

"Ride the wind...Dance in the moonlight...Reach for the stars...Drink wicked good brew...Seek magick...

Words to live by, yes?!

This platter - listed now on eBay - was a lot of fun to paint. So much so that something similar with a magickal cat theme is already in the works. :)

I'm keeping this short today, as it's absolutely GORGEOUS outside, and one of my many errands is a trip to an Amish woodcutter's shop - which means a nice, long, spring drive through the heart of Amish farmland down in southern Lancaster county. The scenery in springtime (or any time of the year really) just doesn't get any better than this, and many of the local farmstands have opened, so I may have to make a few stops. :)

Wishing everyone a happy and creative Tuesday!!

~ Carolee

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter!

Just popping in to wish everyone a blessed and joyous day! It's appropriate that we have an absolutely GORGEOUS, albeit chilly day here to celebrate this year's very early Easter. I was reading that the last time it fell so early was in 1913!

It will be a quiet day here, with John not yet feeling up to venturing out for Easter Mass. I should and may go myself, but other than that will probably paint a little, knit a little, and later on I'll fix a simple dinner - the ingredients to which were purchased yesterday in a complete panic.....I have to confess with all that's been going on around here lately, Easter completely took me by surprise this year. The first time I realized it was this weekend was when someone wished me a happy Good Friday yesterday...Ditto John's birthday, which falls on Tuesday. Were it not for my Mother telling me she'd mailed his card, it would have completely slipped my mind. I'm owing both near oversights to a crazy busy schedule, rather than advancing age, hehe...

More tomorrow, along with some new work to share and list...In the meantime, I'll wish everyone a very Happy Easter!

~ Carolee

Monday, March 17, 2008


With the back yard full of robins, snowdrops and crocuses appearing, daffodils pushing up, and Easter just around the corner, I had to take a break from Halloween (just a quick one, I promise!) to paint this enchanting little garden faerie, listing this evening on eBay. Her wings are coated with transparent glitter paint, so she really sparkles in the sunlight. :)

The Tarot Table I've been promising is still on it's way (actually, the second table - the first one having gone to a collector before I could list it!) But as usual, I'm running a bit behind schedule....John is not yet able to drive, so I'm alternating painting, housekeeping, errands, and driving to all the post surgery tests and doctors' appointments. He's doing splendidly though, moving easier and walking a bit further each day. In no time at all, I won't be able to keep up with him!

The next couple of days will be spent working on commissions, but I hope to have a few new Halloween pieces completed by early next week, so stay tuned....

In the meantime, I'm celebrating St Patrick's Day by setting aside the paints for the evening, getting out the knitting, and putting my feet up for a couple of hours. I may even get REALLY wild and pour a glass of red wine....

I know, I'm getting old, hehe.

Until next time, Happy St Patty's and Happy SPRING!

~ Carolee

Monday, March 10, 2008

And the Winner is.....

Cathy, of Tadpoles and Teacups! Email on it's way, Cathy.....

Thanks for playing everyone, and I'm thinking HEY - why do I have to wait for a milestone like 100 posts to have a drawing?? What if I do this once a month, and enter everyone who's either purchased a piece or commented on the blog? Something to think about....

In the meantime, Happy Jack will be on his way to his new home in Georgia soon. But do stay tuned for future giveaways. :)

~ Carolee

Saturday, March 8, 2008

The Light at the End of the Tunnel

As anyone who's been reading here knows, it's been a crazy few weeks...Between John's heart surgery and subsequent complications (and the constant worry), the long drive to and from the hospital, and managing things here at home, it's a wonder I've managed to paint anything at all....

But painting keeps me sane, so I did find a bit of time, mostly in the evening hours. And I'm happy to report that with John's recent move to a rehabilitation facility, we're finally beginning to see a little light at the end of the tunnel. He's working hard at physical therapy, and making slow but steady progress. I try to visit daily, but they're keeping him pretty busy, so I'm also scheduling regular studio time again.

The latest piece, listed on eBay now, is pictured above - "The Salem Sanctuary for Wayward Cats".....It was inspired in part by all the letters and emails I've received over the years, from people telling me about their own special, adopted familiars, and also by a woman I knew as a child, who gave the guest house on her property to the care of feral cats. It was such a blessing to paint, and I hope it becomes a treasured part of a cat lover's collection. :)

If you haven't already, don't forget to leave a comment on the previous post to be entered into the drawing for "Happy Jack". The winner will be drawn, and notified on Monday. :)

That's about it for now, except to express thanks for all the prayers, good wishes and positive energy sent our way these past few weeks. The outpouring of support and encouragement has really been amazing, and has helped us through a rather challenging time. I think I speak for both of us when I say we've been truly blessed.

Until next time,
~ Carolee

Monday, March 3, 2008

A Little Giveaway :)

Better late then never, "Happy Jack" is here to help me celebrate one hundred blog posts. This sparkly little guy will be mailed to his new home next week, so if you'd like your name thrown into the hat, just leave a comment here (and if it's anonymous, make sure I have your email address!) The name will be drawn next Monday, and I'll post the winner.

It's hard to believe I've hit the hundred post mark already, and still harder to believe I've had that much to say, lol....(although if you were to ask John, he'd disagree, hehe!) I really am having fun with it though, and truth be told, it's become an important part of the creative process for me....and even though when things get crazed I can be a bit of a slacker about responding, I do enjoy hearing comments from friends, artists and collectors, so please keep them coming!

I love you all, and here's to the next hundred....

~ Carolee