But this hasn't been the typical year.
So I must admit I'm feeling a little excited about seeing it come to a close, and imagining all the possibilities a bright, shiny new 2009 holds....
As I said, no resolutions. But perhaps a few intentions:
An uncluttered....no wait - make that a less cluttered workspace. Maybe some new, taller book shelves to store the contents of assorted bins and cardboard boxes.
A few more days off. It's important to replenish the creative well once in a while. ;)
More blog giveaways. I LOVE giveaways!!
Longer walks with the Aussies. THEY love walks (and I need them, hehe!)
A line of fine art prints and notecards on Etsy (stay tuned!)
More time counting my many blessings. :)
Finally, a HUGE thank you to everyone who's purchased my work, placed bids, commented here on the blog or sent encouraging emails throughout year! As challenging as 2008 has been, it's also been such a gift getting to "know" everyone here in bloglandia...I feel like part of a very special creative community, and I know 2009 will be filled with even more magic and creativity!
Oh - and before I forget, the trio you see above are listed individually on Etsy now (sooooooooo proud of myself for finally getting something listed, teehee!)
Wishing everyone a magic, sparkly, shiny and CREATIVE New Year!
¸.·´¸.·*´¨) ¸.·*´¨)
(¸.·´ (¸.·´ ~ Carolee (throwing confetti!)