My Etsy Shop

Sunday, July 31, 2011


It's that time again - the EHAG Emporium update!!

I've created a very special piece this month, an original, one of a kind lazy susan - perfect for a Halloween party centerpiece...

Acrylics on wood composite, with a clear, acrylic varnish. I love how it features different scenes as it turns...

This one is quite large, measuring a full 18" in diameter...

It's up for grabs on a first-come basis for $295 plus shipping, which will vary by location. To purchase, please email me at UPDATE: ~SOLD~

Thanks for looking, and look for more Halloween goodies on Etsy!!

♥ Carolee

Saturday, July 30, 2011

The Best Birthday Present EVER!

As some of you know, my husband John has been through the wringer health-wise these last couple of years; two heart surgeries, after which complications followed, then a recurrence of non-hodgkins lymphoma, and subsequent radiation therapy at Temple University hospital.

Well, yesterday was his post-treatment follow up appointment, and while all this needs to be confirmed by the regular oncologist and further blood tests, the radiation oncologist told us yesterday it "appears to be" a full remission!!

Following the appointment, John was sideswiped by a truck while driving on the PA turnpike, but was uninjured (and a highway patrolman caught up with the driver, who kept on going!) I am so thankful no one was hurt.

So you see, I feel doubly blessed today. And while financial circumstances preclude the purchase of birthday gifts around here, I feel as though I've been presented with the best gift in the world - time with my husband, and best friend!

I am truly blessed. ♥

~ Carolee

Sunday, July 24, 2011

A Little "Practical Magic" Inspiration...

As the downside of summer continues (although you wouldn't know it by the heat here - yikes!) and my thoughts turn to autumn, it's time for another viewing - or two or three - of one of my all time favorite movies (based on an all time favorite book) "Practical Magic".

Which of course leads to painting inspiration! This original 8" x 8" acrylic on gallery canvas (up for grabs on Etsy now) features one of my all time favorite quotes...

"My darling girl, when are you going to realize that being normal is not necessarily a virtue? It rather denotes a lack of courage!"

Words to live by, eh?

I love the Owens sisters, I love their daughters, and I absolutely adore the aunts! But I think of all the characters on the movie, my very favorite has to be that HOUSE!

Oh, to live in a place like that, by the sea...herb garden, greenhouse, aga range in the kitchen. It's like someone read my mind and created a movie set. There's a wonderful site called "Hooked on Houses" where you can read more about it. I'd read it last year, but didn't bookmark the link, so had quite forgot about it when a friend shared the link the other day. Total house porn. ;)

And lucky me - this piece isn't the end of it! I have a commission for a Practical Magic insipred chair, and one more 8" x 8" painting, probably including one of those lovely toads from the movie! Hey, maybe I can use this guy as a model. He lives in our pond, and after much help from facebook friends, he now has a name...

Meet "The Frog Formerly Known as Prince". Or "Sherman" for short.

That's Dave, the pond guy holding him. John won't go near the pond, and would give away the fish and fill the whole thing in with cement given half a chance. What can I say - I like aesthetics, he likes low-maintenance. ;)

Where was I?

Yes, Practical Magic. If you haven't seen it, you must, and if you haven't read the book, you must. Inspiring and enchanting!

That's about it for now. I'll be back very soon with more on next year's road trip, which is becoming known as the "Road Dust and Wanderlust" tour, hehe. Love that.

Stay tuned, and in the meantime, try to stay cool!

♥ Carolee

Monday, July 18, 2011

Sew Many Blessings (Reprised)

This is the second sewing chest I've created this month - "sew" much fun, hehe. :)

Choosing and arranging the embellishments on top was almost as much fun as the painting process. If you look carefully, you'll spot tiny scissors, a sewing needle, three spools of thread, and even a tiny sewing machine among the buttons and trinkets and crystals.

It's up for grabs on Etsy now, where you'll find additional photos, including the interior, which includes a decoupaged tray.

I've also replenished the print supply on Etsy, so please do take a peek.

Next up is a clock, and then I'll be spending a few days painting for the upcoming Ghoultide Gathering show - just a few weeks away now, teehe!

Back very soon...
♥ Carolee

Friday, July 15, 2011

Mt First Treasury!!

Sometimes I get excited by the silliest little things. Like creating my very first Treasury on Etsy. Treasuries are a way of sharing your favorite items, and also helping fellow artists. Isn't that nice?

Click here
, and you'll be transported. :)

The more people who visit (and click on each item, or "heart" it, or "heart" the entire treasury), the more visible it becomes.

Anyway, it's such a gorgeous, sunny day out there, I thought I'd share a little sunshine and smiles. Please visit, and do let me know what you think!!

Back very soon!
♥ Carolee

Tuesday, July 12, 2011


Sooooo excited here!! (as evidenced by two blog posts in one day, hehe!)

After literally years of hemming and hawing and waffling back and forth, I finally got decisive and came up with what I hope is a solution for those who've emailed saying they love my work, but just can't swing an original.

I'm thrilled to report that as of just a few minutes ago, ten different prints are now available in my Etsy shop!

There are only a few of each (anywhere from two to six I think), so if you'd like one, please do snap it up. As I become more familiar with the printing and ordering process, I hope to offer more variety in terms of giclees and canvas prints as well, but for now, I wanted to keep the cost reasonable.

Thanks so much to everyone who's nudged me in this direction over the years. I think this will be a "good thing", as Martha would say. ;)

Back again very soon!

♥ Carolee

Of Summer Bliss and Sew Many Blessings

Has it really been over a week since I've popped my head in here?? I'll blame a crazy-busy schedule, some long overdue commissions, and a very warm summer - which has been beckoning me to spend a bit of time in the kitchen, finding new and creative meals which do NOT involve heating up the oven. ;)

I know many of you are in the same boat, especially in this latest heat wave, so if you have any nutritious and cool summer recipes to share, please do! My entire culinary repertoire of late has been smoothies and salads, hehe. More on that in a minute.

First, I want to share the latest commissions - the first a large sewing chest similar to an angel chest painted this past winter. This one is mice in shades of blue...

I had almost as much fun choosing the embellishments for the top as I did with the painting.

Another one of these sewing mice chests is in progress too (in a different palette) and will be up for grabs on Etsy very soon - hopefully along with a few prints, which are expected to arrive any day now!

Here's a sample of a limited edition print which will be available soon in an 8" x 10"...

I may need to keep one of these for myself. ;)

Then there's this teapot - sooooooo much fun! If you're wondering about the "Zzzzzz", it's because this piece is being sent to another artist, who will add a sleeping dormouse soft sculpture. How adorable is that?!

Work is also in progress for the upcoming Ghoultide Gathering, and excitement is building! I'll be posing more about this fabulous event very soon!

Finally, I have to share that a collector is offering a couple of pieces of my early work on eBay with a very low opening bid. These are tea trays painted around 2005, and you can find them by clicking here.

Now, back to *summer*! Lots of sunlight in the studio, and plenty of cookouts and casual get-togethers with friends; good company, good food, good wine, good music (well, OK, cheapish wine, but still not bad, hehe). Bliss. :)

Now about those recipe ideas. Please do share, and I'll share one with you too. This smoothie recipe has become a bit of a morning ritual for me, and is soooooo healthy (yes, I've turned over a new leaf - no more cakes and cookies from breakfast, hehe)...If you try it, do let me know what you think. The recipe is kind of vague, because I never measure...

Summer Smoothie

A cup or so of frozen fruit (tropical blend, mixed berries, etc)

A couple of good spoonfuls organic, lowfat or fat free vanilla yogurt (I use Stoneyfield Farms)

A combination almond, soy or 2% milk (I use vanilla almond milk) and fruit juice (cranberry, a tropical blend, etc) - enough to barely cover the fruit and yogurt in the blender

A few shakes of cinnamon

A tiny drizzle of vanilla extract

A tablespoon of honey

Blend until smooth, and enjoy!

That's about it for now. I'll be back very soon with that new sewing chest and details about the prints.

Until then, have a happy and *creative* week!

♥ Carolee

Monday, July 4, 2011

A Quiet Fourth?

A girl can dream, *sigh*....

Unfortunately our neighborhood will most likely sound like a war zone, so we'll spend a good bit of the evening comforting the fur-kids. Can you tell I'm not a fan of fireworks? Oh, I like the professional displays alright, and remember the days when we lived in southern California and would drive to Anaheim to walk the grounds of the Disneyland hotel, where you could see the Disneyland fireworks for free (we were young, broke, and resourceful, what can I say?)

At any rate, it's the illegal stuff I'm not fond of - firecrackers and M-80s and the like. They're dangerous, and it never fails that following the explosions we hear ambulance and fire sirens.

But back to a quiet Fourth. It was indeed that all day - and in fact most of the weekend during daylight hours, as I finished the third in a series of Watership Down inspired paintings. Meet "Hazel"...

He's already spoken for, but I do hope to offer prints soon. :)

In fact, I'm super excited about this new print venture, and am thrilled it will make at least a few pieces of my work more accessible. And the ideas for new paintings keep my head spinning! More about this later...

In the meantime, I'm off to cut up some ice cold watermelon for our dessert tonight. John is grilling tuna steak and veggies for dinner - yum!

I hope those of you in the US are having happy - and safe - holiday weekend!

Back very soon (with a new mouse piece to share!)
♥ Carolee

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Mad Tea Party Winner

The winner of the Mad Tea Party giveaway is Shelley, the Spiceblogger. Congrats to Shelley, and thanks to all who entered! (And look for another giveaway soon!)

♥ Carolee