My Etsy Shop

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Taking a Chance - The First eBay Auction in *AGES*!

As you may have noticed, it's been MONTHS since I've had anything listed on eBay...

Their new, higher fee structure, and policies favoring large electronic distributors over small artists left me feeling very frustrated - and I must admit I DO love Etsy...

But every once in a while there's a piece where pricing is unsure, and I'm willing to let the market decide.

Such is Baba Yaga, the old witch from Russian folklore. You can read about here here. She's quite a character with her chicken legged house, her cat and dog, and her fence of skulls! A wonderful folk tale though, one of kindness rewarded.

She was originally priced at $195, and I'm opening the bidding here at just $45 (eek!)...I was actually tempted to keep her, but sell her I must, so I'm holding my breath and taking a chance someone else will love her too. She's listed now, and the auction will run through Sunday evening. ♥

I must also add a BIG thank you to Lori Davis, leader of the Pfabulous Pfatt group, for making my auction look so good! (I'm completely clueless about graphics and html). :)

I'll be back very soon with four new chunky 5" x 5" canvases with button adornments. In the meantime, thanks for taking a peek!!

♥ Carolee

EHAG Emporium and "Springtime Blessings"!

I wanted to create something special for the first EHAG Emporium of the New Year, something witchy and wonderful, and something to welcome the season to come...

This original, one of a kind plaque is perfect for Imbolc (the first day of spring in the Celtic calendar) and also for the March spring equinox. It features a beautiful witch in silhouette, dancing among the fairies, a bird perched on her outstretched arm. A crescent moon and stars complete the scene, and the piece is framed by words of blessing, and a black and white checkerboard border.

Made of solid pine, with stained and routed edges, it's painted in acrylics and sealed with a clear, acrylic varnish. It measures 10 1/2" x 14", and comes with a sawtooth hanger for easy display indoors or out.

$95 plus shipping, which varies by location. Please email me at to purchase. UPDATE - SOLD.

Thank so much!

Happy Imbolc and Happy Spring!!

♥ Carolee

Friday, January 27, 2012

*We're All Mad Here!*

Just popping in to show you the latest, this whimsical "Mad Catter" box...

A cross between the Cheshire Cat and the Mad Hatter, he soars through the air bestowing heartfelt blessings on those in Wonderland below. The Dormouse and Flamingo are along for the ride as well. I love the little surprise message inside...

So true, hehe!

Perfect for storing treat, treasures, keys, jewelry or hairclips - almost anything, really. It's listed on Etsy now, and I'm hoping it finds a good home.

(Update - I hadn't even noticed several print listings had expired - eek! Thanks to the heads-up from a facebook friend, they're back in the shop as well!)

I'll be back very soon with new work, and in the meantime, there are commissions in progress, and a relaxing weekend to spend with John, who is finally home after nine days in the hospital. It's nice to have him back, and he feels much better - thanks in part to all the support and encouragement, prayers and positive energy sent his way - We're so grateful!

Until next time,
♥ Carolee

Pure Imagination!

Imagination: The ability to form mental images, concepts and sensations in a moment when they are not perceived by the senses.

Pretty powerful stuff, and just think - we all have it! We can picture ourselves on a sandy beach, and almost hear the waves lapping, feel the sun's warmth, taste the pina colada...We can imagine ourselves soaring with eagles, climbing a mountain, or visiting Wonderland...

It's such a magical tool, and can be sparked by almost anything, although I find books and folk tales to be a personal springboard, hehe...

Sort of thinking aloud here, do you suppose all the technology we enjoy help or hinders the imagination? That is - does the constant stream of images via television, movies, the internet, etc., spark other images - or does it make us lazy, neglecting to use our own imagination as we settle for what someone else has seen in their mind's eye?

I wonder sometimes. It's such a precious gift, this imagination, and one I think needs to be nurtured, and even protected - because its manifestation is creativity. And by the way, I think we'd all do better to look to children in this regard - they're natural daydreamers and natural artists. They live absolutely in the moment, and when something inspires them, they create freely. What was it Picasso said?

“Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up.”

Maybe I'm not grown up yet, hehe? I hope not, anyway. ;)

Today I'm falling down the rabbit hole to Wonderland (a repeat visit to be sure, but always magical) and painting "The Mad Catter" - a sort of cross between the Cheshire Cat and the Mad Hatter, with a few other Alice elements thrown in there too.

It's a rainy and dreary reality here in Lancaster County this morning, but in Wonderland....Ah, in Wonderland it's filled with warmth and vibrant colors, with teapots and smiling cats, with flamingos and hearts...with pure imagination. ♥

Wishing you a wondrous day as well!

¸.•´¸.•*¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´ .•´ ¸¸.•¨¯`• ~ Carolee

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Two Out of Four

There are two new prints up for grabs in the Etsy shop. :)

I know, it was supposed to be four. But the gnome painting had an odd sort of blemish on the snow - probably a small spot on the scanner I didn't catch. And the Water Dragon I'd painted for Chinese New Year could not be scanned, and the photo just wasn't high enough resolution, and came out looking a wee bit soft and out of focus. John says I'm too picky, but I don't think there's any such thing as too picky when it comes to my work. ;)

The good news is there are still two new prints available! The first is an older piece (last year), but one of my all time favorites, The Owl and the Pussycat...

The second is titled "Dwell in Peace" and features an arctic fox lying down with a snowshoe rabbit, with the northern lights in the background...

There are four of each in the Etsy shop.

Oh, and the original Baba Yaga is still up for grabs too...

I'll be back very soon with new work - just catching up around here after John's last hospital stay. He's home now, and we've both resumed a regular schedule, so I'm hoping things will stay on an even keel for awhile. :)

Until next time,
♥ Carolee

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Full Moon Magic + New Paintings

There's something magical and enchanting about the full moon, don't you think? Sometimes, even in winter, if you step outside you can almost feel it shining down, bathing you in it's magic...

I've long been fascinated by the Native American tradition of naming the full moons, and several months ago had one of those "aha!" moments when I thought it would be interesting to pair each month's full moon with a corresponding Goddess. Many of the goddesses - whether Greek, Roman, Celtic or otherwise - have a mythological connection to the moon and it's properties. And some connections I anticipate making myself, focusing on the traits of individual Goddesses.

The first piece (original sold, but prints coming soon) is "Artemis", the Goddess for January's Full Wolf Moon...

Daughter of Zeus and Leto, Goddess of the hunt and of the wilderness, and some legends say shapeshifter from woman to wolf, she's perfect for the January moon...

The original paintings will include the names of the month, the moon and the Goddess, lettered around the edge, and the prints will be the image alone.

This painting was a double blessing to paint - not only the moon, but a grey wolf! I love wolves, and one of these days will make it over to Speedwell Forge (about 15 minutes away) to visit the wolf sanctuary there. Such inspiration!

Next month's full moon is called the Snow Moon, and I'm thinking "Chione", Goddess of Snow, and daughter of Boreas, God of the North Wind - just the name is stirring up some pretty vivid imagery. Look for this one next month. :)

In the meantime, there are commissions in the works, as well as a couple of new Halloween pieces (it's NEVER too early for Halloween, hehe.)

Oh, and a quick update on the home front - John is coming home tomorrow (yay!!) Nine long days in the hospital is quite enough, and while we understand the need for it, and bless his doctors and caregivers for helping his heart to heal, well....we miss him. So tomorrow is a happy day all around.

Thanks as always for your support and encouragement, your kind comments here and on facebook. :)

I'll be back very soon with photos of those Halloween pieces!

Until then,
♥ Carolee

Sunday, January 22, 2012

♥ Price Reduction ♥

It's not often I do this, but in the interest of continued income as I spend time at the hospital with John this week, I've reduced the price on two originals in the Etsy shop ("Baba Yaga" and "Valentine") by about $40 each. I do hope they find good homes. :)

On a personal note, John is feeling a bit better this morning, and his doctors are working to find just the right cocktail of medication which will keep him out of heart failure, while maintaining a health level of potassium (which has been dangerously low).

Must add, many thanks for the kind comments and notes of support both here and on facebook. Your support and encouragement mean the world to us.

Much love,
♥ Carolee

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Quick Update

Things have been at sixes and sevens around here this week, as John is back in the hospital for another heart procedure. Complications haven't helped matters any, but it seems as though all systems are *go* for this morning - after which his heart will hopefully be back in rhythm!

In the studio, I'm working on a January Moon Goddess painting (Artemis and the full wolf moon) along with several commissions.

There are still two originals up for grabs in the Etsy shop; the old witch from Russian folklore, Baba Yaga, and a whimsical little bentwood box featuring a Maine Coon angel/fairy cat.

I'll be back very soon with photos of the new painting, and in the meantime, I'm off to the hospital so I can be there when John wakes up. :)

Thanks as always for your support and encouragement, your prayers and positive energy!

♥ Carolee

Monday, January 16, 2012

♥ Etsy Love ♥

Just popping in quickly to share the latest Etsy offering, a hand crafted bentwood box, which I've painted with this sweet, long haired, angel cat (was going for a Maine Coon or Norwegian Forest)...

Of course, all cats are sweet angels, which makes them perfect subjects for Valentine's day. This one, which I've named "Valentine", can be found in my Etsy shop. :)

Back very soon,
♥ Carolee

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Rise and Root; Thoughts on a Quiet Revolution, and Finding Balance

I happened upon this lovely and powerful piece this morning, on a visit to the very talented Rima Staines' blog "Into the Hermitage", where she describes a dream of a rune, and it's subsequent inspiration for this emblem...

She shares this image freely, in the hope that it's message will spread, inspiring "a quiet revolution". A moving idea in these uncertain times, and a concept with which I struggle on a daily basis; the balance between nature and consumerism, nature and technology. As one who makes a living from my art (which is often old-world in concept), but relies heavily on technology to share, it's a bit of a fine line. And while I passionately rail against such signs of our times as WalMart, McMansions, and designer-everything, I truly bless the advent of the internet and the way it has brought us together.

Remembering our roots, and our connection to the natural world can be a tricky business in an age when we're bombarded with so much artificial stimuli, and we all must find our own balance. I judge no one here - if I've learned one thing in this life, it's that we all must find our own path, and that ultimately, most of us do the best we can.

My own journey toward balance has involved turning away from things like television and convenience foods, from purchasing mass produced goods, and following a different career path than the rest of my family, measuring success by a different yardstick than the one with which I was raised. I spend my days paintbrush and teacup in hand, candles burning, music playing, and animals at my feet, realizing full well there's a price to be paid for this kind of life and the lack of financial security it brings, but knowing I would wither had I followed any other path.

Whatever your own path, whatever balance you seek, or have found, I hope you can find some inspiration in this emblem. And if you find it inspiring - this rising up for our collective roots, this remembrance of our old hearts - perhaps you would like to join hands with others who are saving the image from Rima's blog, printing it out and passing it on. I hope so.

Until next time,
♥ Carolee

Monday, January 9, 2012


Just popping in with a peek at two sweet little treat boxes up for grabs on a first-come basis, on tomorrow's PFATT Marketplace...

As always, the update happens on the tenth of the month, at 10AM pacific - so 1PM eastern, and the pieces will go to the first email or emails I receive. (Regretfully, the Hershey's kisses are not included, their days - nay hours - being numbered, hehe). :)

I had so much fun with these two. There' something about the pink and red and white combination that just makes me smile. :) UPDATE - Both pieces have now sold.

That's it for tonight. But I'll be back very soon with something *WiTcHy*....
~ Carolee

Baba Yaga and Other Witchy Work to Come...

The fascination with folklore continued last week, as I painted one of my favorite characters, the old witch, Baba Yaga, from Russian folk tales. (You can click here to read more about her, or google her and read one the many versions of the story.)

She took quite a while to paint, but I'm so pleased with the finished piece - one of those I wish I could keep for myself, hehe.....But sell her I must, so she's up for grabs in the Etsy store now. ;)

There's more witchy work to follow, as I begin stocking up for the 2012 Ghoultide Gathering! Since I'll be on an extended vacation for a couple of months this year, starting early is a must!

And in the meantime (I'm sending you all over the place, hehe), there's the PFATT Markeplace tomorrow at 10AM pacific (1PM eastern) - where I'll be offering a couple of Valentine's Day treasure boxes.

Off to work I go, but not before brewing a pot of tea, and putting some music on. Oh - almost forgot - I just updated the playlist (on the right sidebar) with some inspiring January painting music. Do give it a listen and tell me what you think!

Until next time,
♥ Carolee
PS - another giveaway coming soon...

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Giveaway Winners!

Using a random number generator, three names were "drawn" last night. Congratulations to Sylvia Smiser, Penny Grierson, and Glo...

Glo, if you are reading this, I don't know your full name, or have your contact information, so please email me at, or shoot me a message on facebook.

Emails and/or messages to the winners to follow, and thanks so much for playing, everyone!

Look for a Valentine's Giveaway in a couple of weeks. :)

♥ Carolee

Thursday, January 5, 2012

A Fascination With Folklore

There's nothing to spark the imagination like a folk or fairy tale.

As a child, thanks to my great aunt Marguerite (who gifted me with the very old Brothers Grimm and Andersen books shown below), I read many of them and remember the magical feeling upon first discovering a new tale; Rumplestiltskin, The Musicians of Bremen, The Ugly Duckling, The Twelve Dancing Princesses...such wonderful stories (and crying out to be painted, hehe)...

At any rate, I'd of course heard of gnomes, but like most of us here in the US, had grown up seeing them mostly as guardians of the garden. I'd heard of the Tomten too, but only as a vague concept, and as never read anything specific about them.

Enter the internet, hehe. Isn't it just marvelous the information and stories available at our fingertips now?! (Makes one marvel to wonder what's coming in the future too!)

Well, suffice to say I've become fascinated with these tales and legends. In fact, it's probably safe to say the remainder of my Christmas Barnes and Noble gift cards will be spent exploring Scandinavian folklore.

So I must share the second of these Gnome or Tomte paintings, an 8" x 10" original on gallery canvas, now up for grabs in my Etsy shop. I do hope it finds a good home! ♥

Must also add, in addition to being captivated by folklore, I've also been captivated by the videos of Siku, the polar bear cub at a Danish zoo - hence the polar bear cub here. ;)

And speaking of folklore, there's a wonderful Russian tale I'm depicting next - the witch Baba Yaga. I just can't stay away from witches too long (and besides, my Halloween art friends have been joking that I may need an intervention soon, teehee). :)

Finally, a quick note to friends who've been following happenings on the home front; John's hospitalization will be rescheduled - a very long story involving miscommunication, scheduling snafus and a shortage of hospital beds. But we're trusting that the universe has a plan, and all will work out. I'll post an update when I know anything, and thanks as always for your concern, prayers and good wishes.

And now I'm off this chilly morning to brew a pot of Good Earth tea, put some appropriately inspiring music on, and begin Baba Yaga. Oh, and before I forget - - in-progress pics will be posted on facebook - - please do follow me there. The link is on the right sidebar. :)

Until next time,
♥ Carolee
PS - still two days left to enter the giveaway, two posts down!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Another Work in Progress, Another Hospital Stay

Flying in quickly this morning to share a photo of the latest work in progress - another arctic painting...

After seeing the video of Siku, the polar bear cub, I just had to paint one. Soooooo cute. Look for it on Etsy later today. :)

On the home front, it's back to the hospital for John, who is having another cardioversion, in conjunction with some tests and new meds. Assuming all goes well, he should be home by the weekend, and in the meantime, I have all these furkids to keep me company here at the house. :)

While it's tempting to bemoan the need for another procedure, we're just ever so thankful that this technology is possible! When I listen to his artificial valve ticking away, I can't help but think how blessed we are to live in a time where medical miracles like this exist.

I'm off to the hospital now, and as soon as he's settled, it's back here to paint. After the polar cub is finished, it's on to Baba Yaga!

Until next time,
♥ Carolee
PS - don't forget to check out the previous post and enter the giveaway!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Beginning 2012 With a Giveaway!

I'm feeling very blessed this crisp, cool, January first morning, and feeling the need to give a little something back to the collectors and friends who've given me so much this past year.

Your support and encouragement have meant the world to me, and while I wish I could send a little something to each of you, I figure the least I can do is offer a giveaway - or three. ;)

Yep, three. All you have to do is leave a New Year's comment here, and you'll be entered to win your choice of any hand painted welcome sign, or any print in my Etsy shop. I'll draw three names next Saturday evening and notify the winners sometime on Sunday.

There's no requirement to share this, or re-post, or tweet, or whatever - but I so appreciate it if you do!

Wishing you magic, joy, and all good things in 2012!

♥ Carolee