My Etsy Shop

Saturday, July 30, 2016



You've won my little giveaway. :)

I'll look forward to hearing from you, and in the meantime, anyone who'd like to participate in future giveaways, please visit and follow my Facebook page...

Back very soon!

♥ Carolee

Saturday, July 23, 2016

Sometimes a Little Madness and a Little Giveaway...

....And a tumble down the Rabbit Hole...

 Is exactly what one needs to make the world not so topsy-turvy anymore. ♥

Do come in, and grab a cup of your favorite brew (mine is currently this lovely lemon chiffon!)...

And choose one of these yummy cookies (actually a birthday surprise a while back from a very special friend and Alice collector!) This picture, and her thoughtfulness always make me smile. :)

To be honest, my world has been turned completely upside down recently, and in the most devastating way, so I'm afraid I haven't had time for really proper tea party preparations. But with the help of my friends, both real-life and online, I'm picking up the pieces and forging ahead with a new chapter...

In the midst of all these changes, I'm back in the studio, and working on - what else? - a new Alice inspired piece...

(A hint - there will be a very LARGE White Rabbit involved.)


I'm sorry this is so short, and probably less than super imaginative....But I thank you ever so much for visiting, and if you leave a comment, I will draw a name in a few days (say next Saturday?) and the winner can choose their favorite print from my Etsy shop. I think Alice tumbling down the Rabbit Hole may even be there, but you can have your pick!

Much love, and Happy Tea Partying...

~ Carolee

Saturday, July 2, 2016

It's That Time Again...

Vanessa Valencia's Mad Tea Party. :)

As it happens, I'll be in the middle of a move, but I'm sure I can pull a piece of Wonderland Art out of my hat, perhaps even have a little giveaway. ;)

Stay tuned...

♥ Carolee