My Etsy Shop

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Bewitching Peddlers of Halloween!

It's hard to believe the wheel has turned, four seasons have passed, and it's once again time for the most *magical* art show you'll ever experience...

I'm talking of course, about the Bewitching Peddlers of Halloween, in Marshall, Michigan, on September 29th.

In just a week's time, Dory (my little Mazda CX3) and I will be rolling through Pennsylvania and Ohio, and on up into Michigan to exhibit at what will be the second Peddlers, which debuted last year as the new incarnation of the famed Ghoultide Gathering. 

I've been participating in this event since the beginning, back in 2007, and the magic just keeps getting better; inspiration grows, new artists join the Halloween art tribe, and excitement builds as more and more collectors come out to experience everything the show has to offer... Truth be told, I hesitate even calling it a show. I've been to, and participated in quite a few art shows - and have attended several Halloween art shows - but this is so much more. It's an experience. It's electric... 

It's *magical*

My paintbrush has been flying for months now, and I'm pretty proud of the 2018 King of Mice Studios collection (Those who follow on Facebook and Instagram may have seen some previews!)... 

Whether you're returning (once you've attended, it's nearly impossible to stay away, hehe), or whether you're experiencing the magic for the first time, I know I speak for all of us when I say we soooooo look forward to seeing you! The best part about the show is not only reconnecting with old friends, but meeting new ones, so please do introduce yourself!

I'll leave you with a little teaser from last year's event, just to put you in that Halloween mood, but first, you might want to go get a cup of hot apple cider, or cocoa... something to set the mood...


There, wasn't that just too tempting?

Are you making travel plans now? Will we see you?

I do hope so!!

Until then, Happy Autumn and Happy Halloween!

Sunday, September 9, 2018

"The Collector"

A 16" x 28" acrylic and mixed media painting on gallery canvas.
Available at the Bewitching Peddlers of Halloween show in September 29th...

I'd write more, but the annual pre-show painting panic is in full swing...
Hope to see you there!


Wednesday, August 15, 2018

A Woodland Witch!

Sometimes a commission comes along that is so inspiring, you just don't want the painting process to end. Such was the case with this woodland witch, who will soon be making a long journey to her new home in the wilds of western Canada...

She was painted in acrylics on a wood panel, but I loved her so much, I asked my friend Jennifer (of Jennifer MacNeill Photography) to take a photo for prints, which are now in the Etsy shop. I'm ordering one for myself as well, to grace the walls of the Gypsy themed guest room here at Sparrow's Rest. :)

I'll be back soon with a peek at works in progress for the Bewitching Peddlers of Halloween show (Sept 30th, in Marshall, MI), but in the meantime, it's nose to the grindstone - far too much work to accomplish and never enough time!

Until then, thanks for visiting!


Tuesday, July 31, 2018

"Old Soul"

Just popping in to share the latest EHAG Emporium offering, titled "Old Soul". I adore owls, and barn owls in particular. Yes, I know they're predators, but they have such wise and gentle faces...

This particular fellow adorns a wooden treasure box, and features a single feather accent on the inside. Details about purchase can be found in the listing at the EHAG Emporium.

As always, thanks so much for taking the time to visit, and to view my work. I'll be back very soon with a peek at offerings and works in progress for the upcoming show. In the meantime, I'm hoping this guy finds a good home. :)

♥ Carolee

Friday, July 6, 2018

Of Mother Cabrini, Compassion, and a Very Good Cause

Moved by recent events, and what most reasonable Americans consider the shameful US policy of separating families at our southern border, I recently dropped everything I had pending (including a pretty full commission schedule) to work on this original painting...

St. Frances Xavier Cabrini - also known as Mother Cabrini - was the first American Saint, and an immigrant herself; a woman who founded the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in New York, and spent her life establishing hospitals, orphanages, and generally serving the then largely Italian immigrant community. She was canonized in 1946, and is now known as the patron saint of immigrants.

One wonders what she would think of US policy today?

I have no doubt she would be in complete agreement with Pope Francis, who recently stated “Before the challenges of contemporary movements of migration, the only reasonable response is one of solidarity and mercy."

Solidarity and mercy.

Here's the thing. Immigrants do not detract from our country, they ENRICH it. From encouraging economic development (in creating a need for more services, jobs, infrastructure, etc) to serving in our military, to increasing the tax base (with US birth rates down, new citizens make a valuable contribution to programs like social security and medicare), to enriching us educationally and culturally. 

I live and work in Lancaster PA, a city which has more refugees per capita than any other city in the US (about 20x more), and our city is THRIVING. We are the richer for these new residents' presence, and we welcome them with open arms. The organization largely responsible for serving the immigrant and refugee population here is Church World Service. They provide help with resettlement, employment, housing, and legal services. 

In painting Mother Cabrini, I wanted to donate a portion of the print sales to an organization here in my own community, because I believe in activism at the local level. To that end twenty percent of all print sales from this piece will be donated to Church World Services on a monthly basis. Further to this, there's a print sale in my Etsy shop running for the entire month of July, where two or more prints are 50% off (although the donation amount will be the full percentage) - so if you're so inclined you can help a wonderful organization, and capture a couple of pieces of my art too. ;)

(As a side note, the "King of Mice Studios" watermark does not appear on the print, it's only for copyright protection here.)

Thanks for stopping by my blog, and I hope you'll join me in doing what we can to help out and to speak up. 

#immigrantsareus #familiesbelongtogether #stopseparatingfamilies #endchilddetention #reunitefamilies #resist

Friday, May 4, 2018

"Fifty and Other F-Words", by the Fearless, Frank and Fabulous Margot Potter

Like thousands of other Creatives, I've known and followed Margot Potter online for several years, and always considered her a kindred spirit. We didn't meet in person until the summer of 2016, a few short months after the death of my husband, at a time when life was pretty much kicking my ass as I attempted to navigate a future without this man who had been my partner of over 36 years. We've had frank discussions about everything from art and creativity to politics, from feminism and raising strong daughters to empty nest syndrome, and through it all, she's been nothing short of an inspiration. 

Margot is self described as "Three notches too loud, five notches too sparkly, aging disgracefully, over 50 and fearless." (Although I don't really believe there's such a thing as Too Sparkly, but there's an artist's perspective for you, hehe.)

 Margot's latest book, "Fifty and Other F-Words; Reflections from the rear View Mirror" launched this week, and in her typical generous spirit, she's celebrating the book launch by interviewing seven "kick ass warrior women", in whose company I am beyond honored to stand (although I can't help but admit to an initial Wayne and Garth moment of "I'm unworthy!"). 

Find the interview here, on Margot's blog - and do read on for further interviews; these women are truly inspiring, and shining examples of hitting our stride in our fifties and beyond. 

And DO pick up and/or order the book! No matter your age - whether fifty is still in your future, or in that rear view mirror, its humor and encouragement will inspire you, I promise. 

Here's to redefining mid life, and to just getting started!

Friday, April 6, 2018

Knitter and The Stash

As both an artist and a knitter, I was surprised to learn recently there were no knitting superheros out there. So of course, I had to fix that, hehe...

Introducing "Knitter"...

And "The Stash"...

I have both originals here in the studio, painted in acrylics on deep, 9" x 12" gallery canvas, and haven't yet decided if I'd like to part with them. So for now, prints are available in the Etsy shop (click here). I think they'd make a fun gift for a knitter, so hope a few of them find homes. :)

In other news, there was a bit of a Facebook kerfuffle last month, after one of my St. Gertrude prints was appropriated by someone to make a meme - which turned out to be shared over 20,000 times before I finally got wind of it, and asked to be credited. The people I contacted graciously did so, and it resulted in quite a few print orders. But I can't help but think what it would have been like had credit been given BEFORE all those shares... All of this is to say, if you see my work - or any artist's work, really - and it is not credited, please inform the artist, and ask whoever is sharing to please give proper credit.(And I should add a huge thank you to all my friends who did just that.)

Lots of other pieces are in the works this month, including quite a few custom ornaments, and one or two more canvases. Please follow my Facebook page to keep up with works in progress, studio happenings, events and the occasional giveaway. I try to post there every day or two, so it's updated far more frequently than my poor neglected blog here. ;)

Anyway, as always, thanks for visiting, and please do leave a comment if you're so inclined. I do love hearing from you!

Until next time,
♥ Carolee

Thursday, January 11, 2018

Woodland Magic!

Hello, there!

I know it's been ages since I've posted, but between the holidays (all those commissioned ornaments!), and a rather full work and social schedule, well.... No excuse really, just LIFE. ;)

But I'm so excited about these new pieces I wanted to share them with you...

"Woodland Friends", originally painted on a tea chest, and now available as a print...

And "Woodland Ceilidh", acrylic on canvas, also available as a print...

To purchase either, and to view other prints, click here

I'm so pleased with these I'll be ordering a couple of prints for myself as well (the originals have both sold), and since I'm still having a bit of a love affair with this teal/turquoise/jewel toned palette, look for one more tea chest coming soon, inspired by "A Midsummer Night's Dream".

Until next time, wishing you all a Happy, Health and *magical* 2018!
