I blame it on my Mother, who managed to instill in her children a total inability to be idle. I don't mean idleness in the physical sense - it's not that I feel the need to be active physically, to run around the block or anything (would that I could run around the block, haha). I mean in the sense of "vegging out". I just can't do it. I need to be productive, even if I'm just sitting watching a movie, waiting at the doctor's office, riding in the car or on a train; I need something to do with my hands.
And since paints aren't exactly portable (although I do carry a sketchbook) I've taken up knitting again. I'm starting small, with simple patterns; scarves and afghans and such. The piece shown above, called a "Reader's Wrap" is one I completed while spending many hours in hospital waiting rooms, and visiting John during his recent heart surgery. It's a kind of long, rectangular shawl (doubled over here) with pockets at each end. It's thrown over the living room sofa, perfect for throwing over my shoulders on chilly evenings as I read or knit, or taking to an outdoor concert to be worn after the sun goes down, or an air conditioned movie theater....I love it so much I'm working on another, which will probably end up as a Christmas gift this year. :)
I've also recently discovered some WONDERFUL hand spun yarns on Etsy, and am in the process of knitting a couple of scarves. Check out the sellers moonlightbaker and kittygrrlz. Just gorgeous colors!
Next, I'm thinking about trying some slippers or hats and mittens. And I'm giving fair warning to my neices and newphews that I'm turning into the crazy aunt who knits all the Christmas gifts. ;)
Just had to share something a little different. I'll be back in a couple of days with a new Halloween chair (in progress now)....
Until then, have a wonderful, creative and productive week, all!
~ Carolee
Very nice shawl! I would love to learn to knit. Perhaps i will. I had to peek at your blog to get my magickal fix.(LOL)
You have done a wonderful job on the knitting! That is one thing I wish I would of learned to do! There are so many things I would like to make for myself. And what wonderful gifts you could make for people.
Thanks, Eva and Kim. You should definitely try it - once you learn the basics, it's a very relaxing, almost zen-like passtime. :)
~ Carolee
Carolee, I love, love love the colour combos!
Zen-like for you perhaps, not so much for me... one who can only knit knots. Hey, maybe macrame is my true calling?! LOL!
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