It's that time of year....
Robins and sparrows are out in full force, daffodils are up, the lilac bushes, wild rose and flowering crabapple tree are covered in buds, and clematis is beginning to climb the trellis on the backyard fence. The pond maintenance people will work their magic sometime next week, which I'm sure the resident goldfish and frog will appreciate. Once that's accomplished, and the last frost day has passed, the clearing and planting will begin!
Appropriately, I've been reading a book called "Garden Spells" the last couple of days, and in addition to reinforcing my notion of the garden as a magical place, it's really putting me in the mood to add some edible flowers to the herb garden this year...nasturtuim and pansies for salads, lavender for cookies and cakes, and of course chamomile for tea. The herbs themselves will be purchased at the annual Landis Valley Museum's Herb and Garden Faire - a local event held each year the two days prior to Mother's Day, and the last frost date for this area. They also have wonderful selection of heirloom tomato plants, which I just can't resist.
I suppose it's no wonder all this spring fever is making it's way into my work this week....The piece shown above, titled "Bless This Garden" just listed this evening on eBay. I so like the idea of a fairy garden, and just may plant one myself this year...All I need to do is figure out a way to squeeze just a couple more days into each week, or at the very least a few more hours into each day, hehe. :)
The coming week will be spent on eBay offerings, a piece for October's Ghoultide Gathering, and some commission work. But tomorrow I'm taking the day OFF for the first time in recent memory. We have some friends coming over for dinner, so I'll be spending most of the day in the kitchen, preparing an Italian meal (with Bacardi rum cake for dessert - yum!)
Back again in a few days...In the meantime, I hope everyone has a happy and restful weekend!
~ Carolee
Ooooh, Can I come over for dinner? I love Italian! :) It will be a long flight if I grab my broom, but I am sure it will be well worth it! :)
I love your painting. A fairy garden sounds enchanting. What do you put in a fairy garden? The book you are reading has intrigued me. I think I'll pick up a copy. :)
Gorgeous! You do the BEST spooky & realistic painted trees I have ever seen!!! :)
Have a GREAT weekend!
Hi Carolee~
The new piece is beautiful. I've dabbled with edible flowers on good eats too. I threw a baby shower for my neighbor and used pansies on the flan. It looked very pretty.
Hope you enjoyed your day and evening off!
So how was the rum cake?
She is wonderful Carolee!!
Hi Carolee! Love this piece!
I had THE BEST Lavender shortbread cookies at Pfatt Fest last week! One of the PFatties sent them as a gift for us to enjoy while we were there. Those things were addicting! I hope you find a recipe for them because they are so yummy!
=D *Lori
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