My Etsy Shop

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Wicked Brew

Better late than never (see previous post regarding "artist-time", hehe) I finally listed something on Etsy - this whimsical wine set, shown here with a bottle of my favorite cabernet.

After I photographed it I realized I had intended to paint a spiderweb on the inside of the wine coaster, so I'll add that tomorrow and take new photos if it hasn't sold yet.

There's also a new gourd necklace listing on ebay tonight - this one a finely detailed etching of a raven in flight - lots of fun, but major eye strain...

Stay tuned for another piece tomorrow. :)

~ Carolee


  1. OOOH !! LOve all your work and that tea chest is remarkable. Sorry I haven't commented lately... busy Summer days around here. I just got my Halloween dollies up on Etsy !!! Stop by and tell me what you think. Hugs to you, Mica

  2. wonderful work, so inventive.Linda

  3. Very cool piece! I love how the label matches the great art work. This would make any wine extra delicious :)

  4. LOL!! I have yet to see ANY of your pieces for sale on Etsy. Each time I go to check them out they are sold. BRAVO!

  5. As usual, beautiful piece, beautifully painted. Love your work!! Laurie

  6. Thank you for your input re; the dollies. are you accepting more team members for the Halloween group on Etsy? Just wondering, Hugs, Mica

  7. Bet the wine tastes better too! '-)

    Well Done.

