The plan is to make these little drawings a monthly event, anyone who's purchased work from me the previous month being eligible. After going through the records, I write each name on a piece of paper, toss them into the cauldron (OK, actually a soup kettle) and draw the winner. Since I have so many repeat buyers, I'm not quite sure what to do if the same name comes up twice - perhaps limit the number of times someone can win to once every six months...does that sound fair? Still working out the details, but I really like the idea of giving a little something back to my collectors.
On another note, it was my intent this morning to post photos of new work listed on Etsy last night, but I awoke to discover both items had sold - one of them less than ten minutes after the listing posted.... I can't keep up with you guys, haha!! I'll try to get something else listed by week's end, but no promises, as I'm working feverishly to finish a couple of commissions, and a new ebay piece (a wall clock, to be listed this evening).
In the meantime, there's this wicked, whimsical, welcome sign:

I wish time allowed me to offer more goodies than I do, but much of August and September will go to preparing work for the Ghoultide Gathering. The goal is to still offer a few pieces on eBay and Etsy, but I'm not sure how many. And if anyone is within striking distance of Northville, Michigan (just outside Detroit) please come to the show, and do stop by to introduce yourself. It's going to be an amazing event!
That's about it for now. I'm off to brew a pot of lemon ginger tea, light the candles, put the music on (the new Jakob Dylan this morning) and get to work.
Wishing everyone a happy and creative Sunday!
~ Carolee
Happy Sunday Carolee!
Lucky winner & LOVE the new piece!
PS: I know you are busy, BUT don't forget to throw your name in my "Sundae BOO" PC giveaway!!!
Spooky Hugs,
Chris :)
Good Morning Carolee,
Yea!!! I am sooooo happy to have won this lovely little ornament! Thank you so much!! It is so cute! I will be waiting her arrival. Thanks again it brighten my day.
Best wishes as you prepare for Ghoultide Gatherings! I look forward to seeing some pics of the items you're creating.
HI Carolee, You are the busiest person I know. You have alot on your plate my dear. Take some time for Carolee. Easier said than done I bet. This is definetly a busy time!
I love all your lastest creations.
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