I can't help it, this is such a magical time of year, I feel the need to share a little holiday sparkle with you....
I just pulled the two vintage style mixed media paintings off Etsy and listed them on eBay beginning at a (gulp!) very reasonable starting price, so do take a look....
And I have to share this new one - a memory or keepsake box, accented with diamond dust, and delicate snowflakes. I fell in love with the unusual shape of the box, but it was just crying out for whimsical little feet....*UPDATE* - sorry, this one is gone already, but I hope to paint another memory box before Christmas!

And finally, a Cosmic Catnip box - twinkly in its own way (lots of stars), but no glitter added to this one just in case it IS used for catnip. (*UPDATE* - sold. :)

When I'm not painting, I'll be knitting up a few Christmas gifts, baking cookies and trimming the tree. Courtney is coming home for a few days, so I want everything to look magical - or at least as magical as it gets in a house that looks like a painter's studio exploded, lol....
Back in a couple of days with more goodies, and as promised a few photos of the rest of our furkids....
Until then, enjoy the magic of the season!!
~ Carolee
Ooo, I could use a catnip box like that. How cool! I grew some really far out catnip this year and have it drying in the garage. Strongest stuff I've ever smelled!
Carolee, thank you for visiting my blog. It was so nice of you to leave such wonderful comments! I have been an admirer of your art for a long time. I LOVE your catnip box!
Will come visit your blog again soon.
Oh my, you sound like a busy elf! I have to admit that I'm really in the Christmas mood this year with all of our snow :+)
Beautiful pieces and I love the catnip box too!
Have a nice week,
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