Although my own spiritual path is what many would consider more traditional, I have a deep respect for the ancient roots of December's Christian celebration, and find this an almost magical day; a day for honoring nature, for remembering goodwill, for merrymaking with friends and family....And even a cursory glance at the origins of the Christmas celebration shows that solstice is about as traditional as it gets. :)
I'll be spending the day putting the finishing touches on the tree (photos soon!), baking cookies, making another big kettle of gypsy soup, and painting a couple of last minute gifts for friends and family. I'm also going to make an effort to spend some time outdoors, replenishing the bird feeders, gathering holly from the backyard, and of course, walking the Aussies. It's a bit icy out there right now, but I'm hoping it will melt by this afternoon. I'm not the most surefooted individual, hehe...
Later this evening, we'll open a bottle of wine, sit in the living room and admire the finally finished tree.
In the meantime, I'm off to light some candles, listen to the playlist here and photograph a sparkly ginger cat sign, which will join a few others already on eBay later this evening....

Wishing everyone a Magical Midwinter!!
~ Carolee
Hi Carolee ~ Happy Solstice!
The cat's eyes are magical...WOW!
Glad you enjoyed the elf and hoping 2009 will be a banner year for all of us EHAG artists!!!
Merry Merry!!!
PS: Steven & I still love love love our "Josie" painting you made and has a permanent entry way spot at our place. (-:
Just beautiful.
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