Look for another garden piece later this evening (this one faerie themed) and more Halloween work coming very soon....There are more ideas spinning around in my brain than time to create them all, but I'm certainly trying, hehe!
Right now I'm off to light some candles, brew a pot of tea, and paint those faeries - the perfect way to spend a snowy Saturday, yes?
Until next time, wishing everyone a happy and creative weekend!
~ Carolee
*Almost forgot - there's some very cool medievalish music added to the playlist to go with St. Gertrude, so if you like that kinda thing, do scroll down on the right and click play. :)
Lovely! I didn't realize there was a patron Saint for cats!
She's beautiful Carolee! It's a snowy and icy Saturday morning here in Ohio too. Stay warm and safe and enjoy that pot of tea!
Hugs, Lori
Wonderful piece Carolee! I love how you added the swarovski crystals too! Lisa :)
Wow, this is beautiful! And what a great saint-- cants AND gardeners?? Awesome! Nice to meet you, love your paintings!~
One of your best!
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