The pond, surrounded by snow covered ivy. If you look very closely, you can see the two koi, huddled together, dormant until the water warms in the spring....

Inside, I'm still working on the "Herbes et Potions" chest, and thinking since the whimsical cat painting auction ends tonight, another one is in order...Perhaps "Cafe Chat Noir"...I'm picturing cool kitties sipping espresso (thinking of how they thunder through the house at all hours as if on some kind of bizarre caffiene buzz, hehe)...
Until then, I'm off to brew another pot of tea and resume painting (too many ideas, too little time!)
Wishing everyone a magical, creative day....
~ Carolee
May I join you in that cup of tea? hehe...sounds blissful actually :)
Julia xx
Koi?...lucky girl. I couldn't figure out why ours disappeared. We then discovered a mother racoon and her 3 babies in the yard and I think that explains the disappearance and injury of ours. We only have fantails now.
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