At the moment, I'm up to my ears in boxes - treat and treasure boxes, trinket boxes, tea boxes, candle boxes...

These are just a few of them. I'm not yet certain which will end up where....some for eBay, some for Etsy, some for the PFATT Marketplace and some for the Ghoultide Gathering show. I'm not even certain yet what direction most of them will take. As you can see, there's a bit of sketching, but for the most part they'll lead me where they will...
It's an absolute gorgeous, sunny morning here - the kind of morning that makes you feel like jumping right into it at 6AM, squeezing every single, productive second you can out of the day! Which is what I intend to do, but not before I've brewed up some tea and put some tunes on - something "up" sounding today - Santana, Jazon Mraz, maybe a little Corrine Bailey Rae...Isn't it funny how music can set the tone for the whole day?
Assuming I'm actually as productive as I hope to be, I'm also thinking I may throw together a batch of chai later on. LOVE it, especially iced. Do you want the recipe? It's dead easy, and soooooooooo yummy. And LOT cheaper than the kind you buy at the market. My niece Sarah gave me a canister of this for Christmas a couple of years ago, along with the recipe, and I've been hooked ever since! I use decaf tea....
Instant Chai Tea
1 cup nonfat dry milk powder
1 cup powdered non-dairy creamer
1 cup French vanilla flavored powdered non-dairy creamer
2 1/2 cups white sugar
1 1/2 cups unsweetened instant tea (decaf or regular)
2 teaspoons ground ginger
2 teaspoons ground cinnamon
1 teaspoon ground cloves
1 teaspoon ground cardamom
a pinch or two of white pepper if you like it extra spicy
In a large bowl, combine milk powder, non-dairy creamer, vanilla flavored creamer, sugar and instant tea. Stir in ginger, cinnamon, cloves and cardamom. In a blender or food processor, blend 1 cup at a time, until mixture is the consistency of fine powder.
To serve: Stir 2 heaping tablespoons Chai tea mixture into a mug of hot water. For iced chai, stir the same measure into a small amount of hot water, then add cold water and ice.
Doesn't that sound yummy? If you try it, let me know what you think :)
That's about it for today....OH! Almost forgot - I just started reading "Twilight". Coming on the heels of the last book I read, "The Story of Edgar Sawtelle" (soooooo beautifully written, and by an alumni of the same college our daughter attended), "Twilight" is much simpler - but I knew this going in, so my expectations weren't that high. One friend told me to just keep an open mind, realize it was written for teens, and try to enjoy it for what it is. Good advice, and so far I'm enjoying it. When I'm finished, I'll check out the movie. I have a thing for never, ever seeing a movie until I've read the book. ;)
Okay, I've rambled on long enough - don't want to spoil my plans for a productive day!
Back again soon with photos of all these pieces completed...Until then, wishing everyone a happy and creatively mad Monday!
♥ Carolee
Busy busy & that Thai Tea recipe sounds yummy!
Have a great week. (-:
Oops...I meant the Chai tea recipe sounds yummy! Sorry! LOL '-)
Very wonderful to see in progress works...I need to pick up a good book...Have a great week Carolee!!
Sonia ;)
Things are looking busy in the Carolee studio...I want to thank you for sharing the Chai recipe. My brother lived in Turkey for 3 years and I loved the pkgs. mailed home that had chai in them...long since gone so this just might hit the spot!! Yummy!
One can never have too many boxes.
I´m curious, what you make of them.
Thanks for the recipe, I wish I had to to read right now! Busy, Busy, Busy!
Oh, gosh, Twilight... I haven't got to it yet but I don't think I have a friend who hasn't been wrapped up in the world of vampires... they start skeptically with the first one and are hooked and very sad when they finish the last book in the series. Most of them are secretly in love with 'him' too. Enjoy!
Oh Carolee, looks like you have some beautiful boxes coming along there.
The tea recipe sounds wonderful! I'll have to make some soon!
I read the Twilight series years ago when it first came out.(my teen told me about it) I've read all the books before they even thought of making it into a movie. The movie is good, but the books are always better!
Have a great week!
Looks like you've got lots of magic in the works... am loving those moon sculpts too!
Beautiful boxes :) And thank you for that recipe it sounds ideal! I don't know why I'm so suprised when I realise that fancy teas are so simple to make
I often just throw a slice of root ginger into my mug & pour boiling water on. Then I realise "Oh...I just made some Ginger tea!!!" LOL
Last yr I had mint in the garden & added it to my green tea (teabags), I also tried green tea & rosemary which was amazing! (I'd bought some expensive tea bags with that combination previously!) :)
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