Of course, Halloween is fun on the ground too! Hard to believe it's only two days away. As you may have read in the previous post, the local Powers-That-Be have designated tomorrow night (the 30th) as "Trick or Treat Night" rather than actually letting the kids celebrate on Halloween. I have no clue why (although I suspect the conservative religious nature of the community is a factor) - and while part of me is completely burned they think they have the power to arbitrarily change the holiday (or at least the day it's celebrated), another admittedly more selfish part of is relieved there's no conflict between candy dispensing and Halloween party attendance.
We have two wicked cool gatherings to attend on Saturday. The first is an open house at Jen and Kevin's place. Check out some of her decorations here. Can't wait to everything in person!! Jen's parties are always a lot of fun, and John's the designated driver for the night, so I plan to revel. ;)
The second gathering is a Harry Potter party, hosted by friends Dustin and Eric, the invitation for which arrived on parchment, sealed with with sealing wax, informing us we'd been accepted at Hogwarts next semester, and signed by Albus Dumbledore. If I were twenty years younger, many pounds lighter and blonde, I'd go as my favorite character, Luna Lovegood. As it stands, I'll likely wear basic black with some fabulous Halloween jewelry.
Oh! And speaking of Halloween jewelry, check out Jen's Gypsy Mare Blog! She has a few of her Halloween pendants up for grabs at an absolutely SCARY low price and a dollar for shipping - last time I checked, she only had 7 left, so do run over there!
Okay that's about it for today....Look for "Flight" to list on eBay tonight at 9PM, and some wicked cool boxes on eBay and Etsy soon. There's also a "Seasons of the Witch" piece coming soon, and the first of the 2009 Yule and Christmas pieces too...
I'll be back soon with the new work, and an update on John, who as some of you know is having heart surgery next week.....
Happy Halloween and Blessed Samhain!
~ Carolee
Oh, it looks awesome!!!!!!!
Weeeeeeeee... I want to go for a ride!
How fun! I love this - it does give the sensation of flying.... very cool :)
That is brilliant :-)
It looks amazing! It really does give you the feeling of being high above the sleepy houses. I love it!
Wow! You have really pushed it to something "new"! My earlier comment still stands..."good enough to be a Disney animation cell", Brava Ms Carolee!
Carolee, I cannot TELL you how much I LOVE THIS!!!
How big is it?
Is it for sale?
(And if so... could I *possibly* afford it?!?)
This is amazing.
That is a phantastic painting.
You are so very talented Wow.
Dear Carolee, have a great weekend and
Happy Halloween
This painting is absolutely fantastic - the view from atop the broom - those somments were correct - it does give me a feeling of flight!!! This is an absolute marvelous piece - I am in complete awe - I love the faded clouds and the lighted streets close and in the distance - I'm speechless!
I followed lots of bread crumbs from other blogs and arrived at someone who lives near me. That's funny. I'm in Quarryville. I moved here 2 years ago from Delaware County.
Your art is gorgeous!
Well.. I can feel the wind in my face from this one, Carolee! lol.. your talent just amazes me! I was lucky to see your Black Cat painting at Joycees last week. Ohmy..
Hope your 'reveling' was a bunch of fun!! ;)
A Harry Potter party?? Oh, Hedwig and I totally would have crashed had we known!
Everybody here has gone all vampire on us :p and I miss hogwarts!
sounds like you hd (by the time you read this) as great Halloween/Samhain!
Oh and Happy Day of the Dead/All Souls Day too :-)
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