Sometimes it's easy for those of us who work at home, tucked away in our own little world as we are, to have a slightly different take on reality...
In my own little world, there's magic in a snowfall, I have meaningful (albeit one-sided) conversations with cats and dogs, tea parties for one, and the gardens I tend to dream about this time of year become Fairie Havens...

Another slightly different take on reality (at least for me) comes in the form of friendships and bonds formed on the internet. I'm constantly amazed at the sheer vastness of the online arts community I've discovered since starting this little adventure back in 2001 - while at the same time marveling how small a world it really is, and how truly connected we are.
When I first went online, I discovered a few "communities" and immediately felt drawn to some. The first was a group of ladies whose common thread was a love for Victoria magazine. The best way to describe these women is gracious, with common interests such as reading, the arts, travel, teatime, and so on...After a time it became clear that some of us had more in common than others, and an offshoot group was formed, of which I'm still a member. And what began as an online relationship with complete strangers has blossomed into true, real life friendships. I love these women, these kindred spirits, and am thankful they're in my life.
Shortly after discovering the Victoria ladies (and in part inspired by some of their entrepreneurial stories) I began selling my work on eBay - and quickly gravitated to Halloween and fantasy art, where I discovered yet another group of kindred spirits; the artists of EHAG (The Eclectic Halloween Artists' Group). This particular group is juried, meaning one's work and reputation must be of a certain caliber to join, so I was honored to be approached. We've gone through changes and growing pains over the years to be sure, but I'm still proud to be a member (and more recently co-leader) of the first, and premiere, online Halloween art group. We chat, we have great fun, and we work in a mutually supportive way to bring collectors the best of Halloween magic and wonder. :)

Another online community I discovered was the artists of PFATT (Primitive Folk Art Talk and Tea), and the PFATT Marketplace - separate entities, but with much common ground....

There are other groups out there too, each with their own, unique feel, some juried, some not, some supportive, some less so, some drawn to whimsy and some to the darker side of things. As a friend of mine says, "There's a lid for every pot". ;) I just know I've found my cyber home among the groups to which I now belong, and cannot recommend my fellow members' work and ethics highly enough.
Oh, and lest anyone think I'm one of those people who "live" on the internet hehe, I should mention in closing the many longstanding friendships I'm blessed with, many dating back some 35 years. Whoever said "friends are the family we choose for ourselves" hit the nail on the head, and no matter how "real" the internet seems at times (especially to those of us working in a solitary environment) there's no substitute for tea and sympathy with an old friend.
The key is balance, I appreciate each form of friendship for what it has to offer. To approach online relationships slowly and cautiously, while still appreciating the miracle that brings artistic souls together across miles and even continents.
We live in an amazing time, don't we?
♥ Carolee
Dreamy Painting!
Thank you so much for sharing this wonderful post!!! I couldn't agree with you more. I have made so many wonderful friends via the Internet through forums such as My Craft Corner, One World One Heart and even Twitter. It's amazing - I may never meet any of these people personally but I truly feel that I have found kindred spirits. :)
And I also agree with you on faerie gardens...they are a MUST. Gardens filled with faeries, and sprites, and little furry creatures and butterflies - along with the loveliest sweet-smelling flowers and blossoming shrubbery. Oh my...I'm happy that spring is nearly here. Theresa
So well said Carolee!! I'm fortunate to have you in my life and call you friend, even if it's via the internet. I know we'll meet in person soon and maybe have a cup of tea too! Thank you for this heart-warming post.
~ Iva
Loving the fairie plaque, not seen you do anything like that, such lovely colours. The net is a wonderful place, two of my bestest friends are arty ladies that i've never met that live on the other side of the pond and i am full of greatness for them :)
I would like to be in your enchanted garden.
I love all your little creatures
Magickal faerie piece Carolee...I want to hop into the painting!
CK (-'
I just found your blog and have to say I am just in love with your work.
What a wonderful post ... and only those who embrace this wonderful age for what it holds could begin to understand that true and lasting bonds can be formed over the Internet ... through time and correspondence, and on that rare and exciting occasion ... meeting in person. It's truly a gift for those of us who would otherwise remain tucked away ... the gift to connect with like minds and hearts.
I do love your painting ... it's truly enchanting!
Hear Hear! Nicely said...the bonds we have created through this cyber world are truly blessed. Pam
It is a matter of balance are so right. The friendships both new and old are so worth it though. I love your new Fairy sign, and I was think of you yesterday whilst hanging my "There's no place like home" bunny sign by my front door. You made me smile both today and yesterday my friend.
♥, Susan
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