They're truly magical creatures, beautiful and hard working, pollinating our fruits, flowers and vegetables and providing the planet with about 1/3 of our food. Pretty impressive for such a small insect...

But there's that sting thing. And that allergy thing. Having experienced both, I've developed shall we say, a healthy respect for bees. So why would I want to attract them to my garden? Because it's important we all do our part, and because there are times when a small risk (the odds of getting stung are actually pretty small - the bees are just looking for food and nectar, not human flesh) is nothing compared to the magic that happens when we give Mother Nature a little encouragement.
By now we've all read about colony collapse disorder - scary stuff - and I've been reading lately that our harsh winter didn't help matters either. So what to do?
Plant a bee garden! Make a bee house! Welcome and bless these magical creatures. Thank them for their hard work, their honey, and the food they provide. Learn to fear them less, and love them more. Give them a home. Make a difference.
With all this in mind, I have to share a peek at my latest honeybee homage, this large sign or door crown. I'm picturing it bringing a little enchantment to someone's bee friendly garden. :)

Until then, I'll leave you with a book recommendation, one of my all time favorites, and a "must-read", Sue Monk Kidd's "The Secret Life of Bees". Truly amazing - a quick read, but one that stays with you long after you've finished it.
Wishing you a *magical* and productive day!
♥ Carolee
I'm fine with honey bees and even bumble bees, but the WASPS...not THAT'S a totally different matter!!
Wonderful sign! Painting those combs looks to have been delicate and time consuming! :-o Our neighbors have the "Bee Folks" honey booth at the Lancaster, PA Renaissance Faire. I'll point them in your direction! :-)
- Deb
Hi Carolee, i love this peice, i can see it above the door of many homes. I doodled some trees last week and interestingly bee's were included Bee's with B's on their antenna and the affirmation that went with the piece was 'Lets the seeds of change transform you B Happy' :)So it's all about the B's it seems. Kerridwen Niner (FB)Ivys Attic Fan Page or Constellations, Ivys Attic and Circle of Grattitude. Gets confusing we get everywhere lol
Well, now, YOU KNOW I love the post and the piece! Hehee, one day when the money fairy blesses me I'll properly order some wonderful thing of yours Carolee!
Beautiful update again, Carolee, thanks, reading your blog always enlightened my days ^_^ Blessings
Beyond beautiful, and for a bee- lover like me a special piece of art.
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