My Etsy Shop

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

New Work and an Anniversary!

I don't know if it's the magic of springtime, or the upcoming Mad Tea Party event, or WHAT, but I've been completely immersed in the idea of an enchanted tea party with cats and mice. Apparently the inspiration for last week's tea chest was a little too much for one piece, and it spilled over to this week as well, hehe...

Fun, yes? You can't see it here but the sugarcube is a little sparkly. It's listed on eBay now. :)

And would you believe this little party is STILL whirling around in my brain? I think it wants to some out in the form of a clock, so stay tuned...

In the meantime, we're just a little belatedly (April) celebrating the fourth anniversary of the EHAG group, and the upcoming Emporium update with a little giveaway over on the blog. So if you love guessing games, jelly beans and Halloween, fly on over there and join the fun!

It's hard to believe EHAG has been around that long, mostly because time DOES fly when you're having fun! (You know, there's a reason for cliches like that, hehe)...At any rate, EBay groups tend to come and go (especially Halloween groups - sheesh, there have been a lot of them!) but EHAG has truly been the gold standard - not only amazing and highly professional artists, dedicated to creating absolute magic in their work, but a more supportive bunch of people you'll never meet. I'm just so proud to be a part of it!

That's about it for today...I'm off to put some tunes in the CD player, light a couple of candles on this rainy day, and begin work on that "Enchanted Teatime" clock...

Until next time,
♥ Carolee


  1. So adorable, thanks for sharing!

    Happy Tuesday!

  2. Always a pleasure to read your blog insights! :-)
    Love the tea tray!!!

    ~ Deb

  3. Lovely tray, I can get lost in the nighttime tea party. An inspiration! This will be my first year taking part in Vanessa's Mad Tea Party and I'm really looking forward to it!

  4. What can be more fitting than a clock to go with "Tea Time". Can't wait to see what turns up.

  5. Gorgeous new pieces Carolee, very magical! '-)

    Thanks for stopping by and still glad that you gave your vote of confidence for my EHAG membership! EHAG is the BEST art group I've had the pleasure of being a member of.

    Have a great & creative week!

    CK :-)

