The pre-show, late summer, early autumn PANIC that keeps me (and most other Halloween artists I know) working every hour God sends in an effort to met all those obligations and commitments; shows, commissions, eBay, Etsy, assorted marketplaces...We all begin to wonder "WHAT WAS I THINKING?!?"
This is the time of year when (like this morning) a trip to Michaels for supplies seems like a big outing, because the rest of the time finds me chained to the studio chair, trying to make my way, one piece at a time though the stacks of unfinished wood...

So no rest for the wicked. No rest for the Halloween artists, and basically, no rest for the self employed, haha. But it will all be worth it when they open the doors at the show, and we see the smiles on the collectors' faces as they make their way through display after display of Halloween eye candy...
Right now I'm off to pick up some new paint brushes, then back to the studio to make some more magic.
Wish me luck!
♥ Carolee
Thanks so much for sharing the GhoulTide Gathering! Texas folks need a little taste of a New England style Halloween. Love the architecture and festive atmosphere! Incredible Art!
OH! I so wish I would be able to come to the show this year...that video was awesome!
I wish I could go to the Ghoultide Gathering.... so sad :{ Oh, well, I will just admire it all online!
Looks mighty exciting!
I'd like to give you the Beautiful Blogger Award and get to know a little bit more about you! Please pick it up on my blog if you'd like :)
♥ Maria-Thérèse ♥
Todos os trabalhos são lindos. Gostei muito das fotos com as expressões das pessoas olhando para cada peça de arte. Lindos.
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