No excuse, other than the usual insanity; eBay, commissions, Etsy, EHAG, PFATT, Ghoultide Gathering preparation, husband, dogs, cats, house, yard...
I really do need to find some elves or something. ;)
Anyway, apologies - and here's a little peek at what I've been up to lately..
First, there was a large Middle earth piece. Incredibly detailed, but such a blessing to paint. These are a couple of details, Gandalf walking down the path to The Shire, and the four Hobbits setting out, with the Misty Mountains in the background...

Doesn't that look amazing?!
The Middle Earth piece completed, "Watership Down" was next. This is Blackberry, who readers of the amazing Richard Adams novel may remember at the cleverest of the little band of rabbits. (Hazel and Fiver will be next, and I hope to offer prints very soon too!)

Next up - truth be told, I haven't decided yet, but whatever it is, it begins today. Possibly an Alice in Wonderland tea tray, possibly a pair of small paintings for the PFATT Marketplace. I'm thinking fables might be fun too; the Town Mouse and the Country Mouse, The Tortoise and the Hare, etc...or possibly Nursery Rhymes; The Owl and the Pussycat, The Old Woman Tossed Up in many possibilities, and never enough time, *sigh*....And lest we forget Halloween, teehee!!
Preparation has begun in earnest for the upcoming Ghoultide Gathering. Less than four months to go, and the annual panic has already set in. Sooooooo many ideas swirling around this cobweb covered brain of mine. It's a two day event this year, which is just beyond exciting for the artists - that means two days of meeting collectors, of being lost in the magic of Halloween. And I'm already picturing how enchanting Mill Race Village is going to look at twilight!
At the risk of sounding like a broken record, if you haven't made hotel reservations yet, do it now! There's a seriously discounted rate at the Hampton for attendees, and it fills up FAST. ;)
Well, that's about it for now...
I'll try to be better about blogging, really I will. The schedule just gets a little crazy this time of year, and to be honest, facebook doesn't help either -too easy to go in with a photo and quick one-liner, hehe.
But it's not the same as an almost-real-live-conversation, which is kind of how I think of blogging. A way to connect with people I'd otherwise never know. A way for those of us who spend our days in solitude - or in the company of furry companions - to share a bit of our lives, and see what other artists are up to as well. I love my blog, and I most of all love reading the comments. ♥
So I'll be back much sooner next time, and until then, I wish you a happy, CrEaTivE, and *magical* rest of the week!
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*´¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´ ♥ Carolee
UGHHHH. Stupid EBay Notifications. They are supposed to tell me when you post new things. I missed out on that witch. She is GREAT. I am so excited about your Watership Down pieces.. Keep up the great work. Hugs.. Teresa.
Great pieces Carolee! ... AND... Oh my gosh!! Thank you for sharing the Hobbit video!! I'm SO excited for the new picture to come out and the pre-production scenes and music... oh.. it just brings a smile! :-)
~ Deb
Wow!! You've been busy and very productive. I can see why you haven't been here in awhile, and if you go forth with even half of your ideas who knows when you'll be posting again. Keep up the good work.
Your Middle Earth work is just wonderful, I could get lost in it! I don't know how you have time to post at all with all the work you do! :)) Thank you SO MUCH for the Hobbit production video, I was entranced...
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