Five years, and I'm still pinching myself, wondering if it's all a dream...
Actually, not only is it REAL, but it's TWO days of magic this year, with so many enchanting details added I can hardly wait.
There's a total of thirty artists this year, and on Friday night, as Mill Race Village is aglow, collectors will be able to enjoy assorted treats at each of the artist's tables as they browse - kind of like twilight trick-or-treating, but with fabulous Halloween art to purchase! (Not sure what I'm doing yet, but I was thinking maybe some Lancaster County, homemade pumpkin fudge?)
There will also be cider and other beverages available in one of the buildings, and live music outside!! Yep - Scott and Stephanie (the amazing people who bring this show together every year) have booked the coolest band; The Apple Seed Collective. Sort of a mix of gypsy, folk and dixieland...Check them out here. :)
How perfect is THAT?!
Of course, as in years past, my favorite part of the show is meeting friends and collectors in person. Spending most of my time creating in a home studio, keeping in touch via email and facebook, I can't tell you how exciting it is to share my work and meet people in real life instead of cyberspace. It's just the best, and gives me the warm, Halloween fuzzies. ♥
Anywhoooo - if you love Halloween, and Halloween art..if you're close enough for a day trip (or farther away and in the mood for a weekend getaway!), you do not want to miss this show. You can visit the website for details on discounted accomodations, directions, etc., and in the meantime, I'll leave you with this video from the 2009 show (I know I've posted it before, but I could watch it again and again, hehe)...
Back to the studio for me - I'll be bringing lots of new goodies, and hoping to see you there!!
♥ Carolee
Wonderful video of last year's fete! Your table stood out! I'm unable to attend, but with you in spirit, Thanks too for the band!
and.....here is a whole page of You Tube videos for the Appleseed Collective for those wh wish to listen to some more before purchasing
Fellow artist here, daily painter actual who loves your work! Wish I could come to your show!!!!!!!!
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