I'm hanging on to that thought as I gaze at scores of hand painted "welcome" and "winter welcome" signs adorning our living room floor at the moment.
Operating under the assumption that these two recent craft shows would be every bit as crowded as they've been in years past, I went a little overboard stocking up on inventory...
OK, I went a LOT overboard, hehe.
The upshot is that there's still a large inventory left. I'll probably hold some back for next year, but in the meantime, two of every design is listed in my Etsy shop, at the discounted price of $29.95, which includes personalization.
John's comment this weekend (as we were discussing rising oil and heating costs) was, as he gazed wistfully at all these pine signs, was "Too bad the woodstove in the dining room isn't working." Haha....It helps to have a sense of humor about these things. :)
Now, of course, I'm scrambling to create a few holiday pieces in time for shipping and gift-giving! This canvas is one I've had in my head for a long time now, and can't wait to finish...

Look for a new La Befana piece as well, and one with arctic animals, titled "Bless All Creatures Great and Small".
In the meantime, there's a tree to decorate, gifts to be completed and baking to be done...Every year I say "next year I'll start earlier!", and of course, it never happens.
Wishing you a merry time of it whatever you're planning and whatever you're creating!
I'll be back very soon
♥ Carolee
Have fun getting those many Christmas things completed. I love the start on the canvas, it's going to be so cute when it's finished. The holidays are a lot of work but it's worth every bit of it so have fun creating and decorating. hugs
That sketch looks lovely. I can't wait to see your la befana painting I've always been curious about this character. And also the arctic animals.
Blessings (have much inspiration)
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