Listed on eBay, this piece is my little tribute to those magical, hard working insects responsible for about 1/3 of the consumable plants on the planet - and sadly in danger due to colony collapse disorder.
Although I'm allergic to their stings, I find them such beautiful and fascinating creatures. There is much folklore surrounding them (some of the symbolism I've added to the top of this piece) - and I have to share that one of my absolute, all time favorite books (and the inspiration behind most Blessed Bee pieces I've done) is Sue Monk Kidd's "The Secret Life of Bees" - a must read, can't recommend it highly enough...
All of this is by way of saying that these magical insects are indeed "blessed", as are we by their existance. If you have a minute, click here for more info on what we can do to keep them from disappearing. :)
~ Carolee
Another beautiful box!! "The Secret Life of Bees" was a great book. I wonder if the movie will be half as good.
One word WOW! ~ Carolee what a lovely piece & add to your Etsy shop. I am sure it will get snapped up in a heart beat! :-)
What a gorgeous box Carolee! They are magickal and I love how you've added some of the folklore around the top too! Beautiful work!
Thanks for visiting me and my Halloween Cottage of the month.
Your blog is great too. I didn't know that there were people out there that like Halloween as much as I do.
Visit again soon,
Hello Carolee. Thank you so much for stopping by to visit me today :)
This box is just gorgeous!!!! I was just reading an article on Sunday about the decline of the bees. My dad has always been a beekeeper (recently retired however)and I've wanted to learn the art of it....but have not done so yet.
Your work is wonderful.
Hi Carolee, I was just at your website and I just had to fly over here and take a look. I love your art, it's absolutely wonderful!
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