"Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans."
Take for instance the well orchestrated schedule I had going this week to finish two commissions, and list new work on both eBay and Etsy - now postponed by another day or two due to multiple dental and doctor visits, the result of which is still up in the air, with a visit to an oral surgeon tomorrow morning keeping me ever hopeful that SOMEONE will discover the source of some major nerve pain I've been having. Theories have included neuralgia, a sinus infection, and an old root canal in need of repair....I know - more info than anyone cares to know, but I'm posting it here because it has me reflecting on the vicious cycle we call stress.
In general, I'm not a "schedule" kinda gal...so when I fall behind said schedule, it kind of freaks me out. Guilt ensues, I wonder if people think I'm flaky (hey, I'm an artist, right?) and I start stressing.....which of course does all those symptoms absolutely no good; and therein lies the vicious cycle.
I mention all this by way of explanation for the huge echo you'll find in my Etsy store and eBay listings for the next day or two. I'm trying to be responsible and make headway on these commissions, while also working on listings. The plan is that at least one of each will be finished in a day or so, with more to follow....
The good news is that I have some uber cool new pieces in the works, including a witchy wine set for the magickal table and a set of vibrant canisters for the witchy kitchen. So stay tuned - I promise it will be worth the wait. ;)
In the meantime, I'm painting away here, and trying to de-stress with the help of some good music, mediocre wine (with gas at $4 gallon I'm cutting back on the good stuff) and some great music (see previous post). And knitting. Thank heavens for knitting - sooooooooooooo zen.
Until next time, wishing everyone a stress free rest of the week.....
~ Carolee
Your week sounds like mine has been. I agree on the benefits of knitting. Hope all goes well with you.
Pain can be such a pain. Hope you're feeling better soon.
(Referring to my daughter's quote about stress: "Life is like a box of chocolates. If you get too much at once, you'll throw up.")
And also wishing you stress-free days.
Hi Carolee! ~ Stress is a VERY bad thing, and here is hoping for smoother sailing ahead.
BTW: Your new pieces sound very interesting!
Carolee, I know everyone will understand and no one would ever think you are a flake. I understand what you are feeling because I am in pain too. You have to take care of yourself. De-stress what ever it takes.
( Hugs)
I'm so sorry that your feeling so much pain. I guess that's why I haven't heard from you in a few days.
Hopefully they will find the source and fix the pain soon.
Geez Carolee, I hope they find the source of your pain soon!
Here's hoping for pain-free days ahead!!
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