Just had to post a sneak-peek of my latest favorite, teehee!! (that's me doing my best witch's cackle)....This is one of those that took forever because I couldn't resist adding detail after detail - check out the antique looking labels on the bottles and jars. Ooooh! And the jars actually contain those herbs; cats claw bark, hawthorne, elder flowers, lemon balm and sacred herbs (which may be chamomile, but I wasn't sure, so labeled it with something more generic, hehe)....And the books are actually tiny papier mache boxes - LOTS of fun, this piece......
The photo is a little dark, as I only finished it after I'd lost the light for outdoor photography. The plan is to take better photos tomorrow afternoon and list the *Moonlight and Magic Apothecary* on eBay tomorrow evening at 9. I haven't quite decided if I'll do a reserve auction or "buy-it now" option, but stay tuned....
It was a good day for finishing the apothecary piece today - the sky darkened as wind and rain from Hanna hit, which combined with scented candles and little Celtic music, set the perfect mystical/Halloweeny kind of mood.
Tomorrow and the rest of the week will be devoted to working on pieces for the show, and hopefully squeezing in an hour or so to make an apple spice cake. It's that time of year!
Right now I'm off to have a glass of wine and catch up on a bit of reading. I just started "Love in the Time of Cholera" - my first Gabriel Garcia Marquez, and I'm quite enjoying it. I want to finish it in time to do a bit of seasonal/Halloween reading next; a re-read of some Bradbury, perhaps a little Poe.....any recommendations?
Until next time....
~ Carolee
Nice Apothecary!
As to reading.
I'm trying to keep up w/all my groups as I've been behind w/my reviews. ;)
Skullduggery Pleasant is the series I'm reading at the moment.
The Dresden Files is a good series.
Solomon Kane by Robert E. Howard is always a spooky read late at night.
STELLAR piece Carolee! :)
Happy Sunday.
OMG! Very cool piece!!!
Have a creative week,
Another winner!
This is amazing! I'm so glad I found your blog, it's awsome!
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