I've been getting the nicest phone calls all month from collectors who are planning to attend, and are interested in what I'll be bringing. I soooooo wish I could bring everything hoped for, but with limited display space and limited space in the Beetle, I know it will come down to picking and choosing - always a difficult task, because I love them all and want to see them off to their new homes before Halloween!

Right now, I'm off to face the day, and work on a "Wicked Jack" sign for the show....well, just as soon as I've had a my morning cuppa, and maybe a piece of toast with pumpkin butter. ;)
Wishing everyone a happy and *creative* day, and I'll see some of you soon!!
~ Carolee
You are just painting away Carolee, I just don't see how you do it!
Like I always say, you are one of the hardest working artists I know!
Keep up the GREAT work! :)
Have a great week.
I am in total amazement with your level of production and quality of work. I'm not worthy, I'm not worthy....wow woman!!
Best of luck at the show..it sounds like it is going to be wonderful.
Love the purses...as well as everything you make.
Have a wonderful day :)
Another amazing creation Carolee! Where has the time gone? Ghoutide is almost here!!! I so wish I could go to the show. Hope everything works out this year and you can stop and see me on your way there! =o)
Happy painting!!!!
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