Just have to share this one - kind of labor intensive, but truly a blessing to paint a tribute to these magical creatures! It listed now on eBay, and I do hope it inspires some bee-friendly planting this season. :) *UPDATE* - SOLD
Other cool bee stuff:
An amazing, magical book.
Some info on colony collapse disorder and what you can do to help, from the wonderful people at Burt's Bees.
Bee friendly gardening.
The National Honey Board, where you'll find almost 1500 honey recipes.
Oh - and I know I'm just a wee bit late with this, the day being almost over and everything, but I want to wish all the Moms (including those with fur-children) a very Happy Mother's Day!!
Back again very soon with photos of the current work in progress....
♥ Carolee
Carolee, it looks wonderful! We are supposed to be getting 3 hives of bees in two weeks! I will be donning the beekeepers hat along with all of the other crazy things I am doing!
Very sweet work.
I do love bees very much and it frightens me, to see that there are less an less every year.
Albert Einstein said, when the bees die, mankind has just 50 more years.
If I would have a garden and not just a piece of green witch is big as a shoebox I would love to have bees there.
Bee happy,
ahhhh Carolee..your painting is to sweet...and all your info on bees is going to make me go outside & get bizzy with more planting of plants that atracts the little workers...like the way your creation is attracting me...I think I might have to take the buzz and put a bid on it...also did you know that the bee stands for Creativity too...well gotta go and make some honey for my hive...have a honey of a day and may sweet things come your way! Grace & Peace 2 "U" Marlene "QBeeC"
Simply Bee-autiful!!!! I don't know how you get so much done...all of your work is so detailed and perfect. I guess you've had a lot of practice :)!
I am so glad that you wrote this post...i am headed to the nursery later this week to get plants for our backyard and i need to keep the bees in mind!!
Beautiful painting..as always so colorful.
have a question where did that beehive look come from originally?
Sonia ;)
Thanks for the kind comments, all. :)
Sonia, I'm not sure but I believe coiled bee skeps date back to the 19th century, or possibly earlier? My own version is a more detailed twist on bee skeps I painted several years ago while working for an Amish furniture manufacturer...Those skeps were much rougher and more primitive (as was all the work I did there, in keeping with appealing to the local tourist trade), but they were the first bee skeps I painted, so there's probably an evolution of sorts there. :)
Although I'm actually allergic, I find something so magical about them, and I need to get one for my own garden - not sure if the bees actually use them or not though?
~ Carolee
Carolee, I love this tribute to our wonderful bee friends! :-)
Hello Carolee,
Ahh, I love Bee's and your painting is breathtaking!
Thank you for the info about Bee's..
i just found you!....
bees are on everyones mind and are a great inspiration fopr a painter-lovely work carolee-i really admire the speed you work at AND the beautiful results!
best wishes
Carolee, that is absolutely beautiful! You never cease to amaze me! Good thoughts from the brush!
Of course it sold early Carolee...it's a beautiful piece as always!
When I saw it I thought of a family friend that kept bees for years. Red had deals with the orchard and vineyard owners for moving them around as the locations required. Comb honey was always a favorite of mine and they won't sell it here anymore as our honey has to be pasturized now. :(
Love the piece, Carolee. I've collected "bee-themed" ornaments for many years.
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