My Etsy Shop

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Hallowe'en and Blessed Samhain to All!

Flying in on this most *magical* of days to wish you a day of fun and an evening of revelry!

The costumed monsters actually hit our neighborhood last night, and I was so happy to see an absence of the blood and gore this year, as the vast majority of children dressed in fairy tale attire; knights and princesses, kings and dragons - it looked like a miniature Camelot out there!

They were overwhelmingly polite too - "trick or treat" and "thank you" and "Happy Halloween!" I'd show you photos, but don't feel right about snapping pics of other people's kids, so instead, I'll show you is the candy bowl, hehe:

Not a piece left at the end of the evening, and we went through several bowls.

Oh - and I have one other thing to share too! Inspired by an appreciation for the season's many blessings, I've painted this double recipe box (which could have sooooooo many other uses too) with a magical scene; the young witch visiting the birds, her charming cottage in the background, crescent moon and stars overhead, birds in flight, whimsical trees (I want to live there, hehe!)

The words of blessing are hand lettered around the top, and I hope they bring blessings indeed to the recipient of this piece. :)

That's it for today - I'm off to do a bit of painting before flying out the door to a couple of Halloween parties (YAY!) I'll be back very soon though, with one of the most detailed pieces I've ever painted - very excited about this one!

Until then, Happy Hallowe'een and Blessed Samhain!!
~ Carolee

Thursday, October 29, 2009


Websters defines it first as "the act or instance of passing through air", but I very much prefer one of the subsequent definitions: "a brilliant, imaginative, or unrestrained exercise or display" (as in "a flight of fancy")....

This one (listed on eBay now) did in fact feel imaginative and unrestrained - and I have to admit being quite pleased when, after posting a couple of in-progress photos on facebook, a few people said it actually gave them the sensation of being up there. Hehe - I LOVE that!

What fun to soar above the clouds on All Hallows' Eve, a birds eye (or witch's eye?) view of all the goings on below....

Of course, Halloween is fun on the ground too! Hard to believe it's only two days away. As you may have read in the previous post, the local Powers-That-Be have designated tomorrow night (the 30th) as "Trick or Treat Night" rather than actually letting the kids celebrate on Halloween. I have no clue why (although I suspect the conservative religious nature of the community is a factor) - and while part of me is completely burned they think they have the power to arbitrarily change the holiday (or at least the day it's celebrated), another admittedly more selfish part of is relieved there's no conflict between candy dispensing and Halloween party attendance.

We have two wicked cool gatherings to attend on Saturday. The first is an open house at Jen and Kevin's place. Check out some of her decorations here. Can't wait to everything in person!! Jen's parties are always a lot of fun, and John's the designated driver for the night, so I plan to revel. ;)

The second gathering is a Harry Potter party, hosted by friends Dustin and Eric, the invitation for which arrived on parchment, sealed with with sealing wax, informing us we'd been accepted at Hogwarts next semester, and signed by Albus Dumbledore. If I were twenty years younger, many pounds lighter and blonde, I'd go as my favorite character, Luna Lovegood. As it stands, I'll likely wear basic black with some fabulous Halloween jewelry.

Oh! And speaking of Halloween jewelry, check out Jen's Gypsy Mare Blog! She has a few of her Halloween pendants up for grabs at an absolutely SCARY low price and a dollar for shipping - last time I checked, she only had 7 left, so do run over there!

Okay that's about it for today....Look for "Flight" to list on eBay tonight at 9PM, and some wicked cool boxes on eBay and Etsy soon. There's also a "Seasons of the Witch" piece coming soon, and the first of the 2009 Yule and Christmas pieces too...

I'll be back soon with the new work, and an update on John, who as some of you know is having heart surgery next week.....

Happy Halloween and Blessed Samhain!
~ Carolee

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

A Different Perspective

I'm having great fun playing with three point perspective in this piece in progress, a painting on canvas - sort of a "witch's eye view" of the village below....

My hope was to finish it this evening, but general life maintenance got in the way (have to run to the Dr's for a prescription refill) so look for it Wednesday or Thursday on eBay.

Can you believe it's just FOUR days until Halloween??!! I can't wait - two wicked cool parties to attend - an open house at my friend Jen's, and a Harry Potter party at Eric and Dustin's house. Not to worry about the trick-or-treaters though; the local Powers-That-Be have decreed Friday the 30th as "trick or treat night"...

Don't even get me started....

Back very soon with a glimpse of the finished painting. Until then, Happy Haunting!!

♥ Carolee

Saturday, October 24, 2009

"Trick or Treat!"

With just a week until Halloween (where does the time go?!), I have to share the latest eBay offering, and the last piece of 2009 featuring trick or treaters in silhouette....

The jack-o-lantern on top is made of wood and paperclay, with a candy corn ribbon around his hat, and his friends are on the feet below. :)

I'm still painting madly here, a canvas this time, and having soooooooooo much fun with it!

Back very soon with a photo. :)

♥ Carolee


Just popping in to share that friend and fellow EHAG artist Iva Wilcox is having a giveaway on her blog! Iva does the most incredible beeswax collages and ornaments, and she's giving away one of each. Just click here to be magically transported to her blog, where you can leave a comment and enter. :)

Friday, October 23, 2009


Have to share what's been keeping me so busy these past few days....

I really do believe this one is enchanted, hehe - the painting process was as if the piece were infused with magic right from the beginning - everything flowed so easily, it was almost as if the chest painted itself. Don't you just LOVE charmed moments like that? Where everything just comes together, as if the universe is raining blessings down? I swear, the house could be crumbling down around me and when I'm in that zone, I'm just in my own little world, painting madly away. :)

In the hope that the zen-like painting vibe sticks around for a few days, I'll be spending the weekend working on a canvas, and several little boxes (which I hope to list on Etsy next week).

In the meantime, look for the Enchanted Apothecary on eBay later this evening.

I'm off to forage for supper now (part of the whole charmed painting thing is that I don't really think ahead to preparing meals either, hehe)....

Back again soon with a painting from an unusual perspective. ;)

♥ Carolee

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


I've been thinking a great deal about them lately, this bestowing, or infusion of grace and goodness in our lives...

(Sorry, no photos this post, just rambling.) :)

Speaking from a strictly personal point of view, we've experienced many blessings these past months, despite some rather serious challenges we're facing at the moment.

As friends and family, and those who follow here regularly know, my husband John underwent heart surgery about a year and a half ago to repair a damaged mitral valve, and has since had issues with heart failure and COPD. Well, despite the success of the surgery, he's now developed something called mitral valve stenosis - a complication that can arise from scar tissue making the valve too tight, cutting off blood flow and resulting in constant exhaustion and breathing difficulty. The only fix? Another heart surgery, this time to replace the faulty valve with a mechanical one.

An unexpected challenge on many levels - physically, financially, and certainly emotionally. But truly a blessing as well. There was a time not too long ago when a diagnosis like this would have been a slow death sentence; when the patient would have been told to go home and stay as quiet as possible, until the heart and lungs finally gave out. What a miracle to live in a time when they can stop a beating heart, replace the faulty valve, and start that heart back up again stronger than ever...I'm old enough to remember a time when this would have been something out of science fiction, but here we are. Amazing, isn't it?

We're further blessed with a daughter now living closer to us, and with friends and family who've stayed in close touch, offered prayers and positive thoughts, sent emails and cards, and who regularly inquire as to John's well being, and for this we're grateful.

And financially, while much of my strategy consists necessarily of procrastination, I tell myself that at least I have a job where the more I work, the more potential for income there is, but one which is also flexible and will allow me to spend time at the hospital those first few critical days. To this end, I want to thank all of you who are supportive of my work from the bottom of my heart; you have no idea what it means to me - to us - especially now. An incredible blessing, and we're so thankful for your kindness.

We still have a couple of weeks before the surgery, during which time I'll be painting madly (both Halloween and Christmas/Yule pieces) and John will be resting as much as possible and gearing up for another hospital stay.

If I owe you an email, it's coming, it just may take a day or two. Shipping will still go out several times a week, and I'll post updates as regularly as possible on facebook, and here on the blog.

We love you all, and so appreciate your continued prayers and positive energy!

~ Carolee

Monday, October 19, 2009

A Winner!!

Congratulations to Awtemnymf, who won the black cat painting in this weekend's drawing!

There's MUCH to do today, including making applesauce, harvesting the last of the summer herbs, and cutting and hanging lots of lavender to dry! And painting, of course - I'm hoping to finish a couple more Halloween items in time for shipping before the big day....

So off I go! Back again later with photos of new work...In the meantime, have a magical and *creative* day!!

♥ Carolee

Saturday, October 17, 2009

A Wicked Good Party and a Giveaway!

Flying in to Miss Vanessa Valencia's magical Halloween Blog Party just a wee bit late, but I'm hoping you'll forgive me, as I come bearing treats....

Orange flavored cupcakey goodness, with vanilla and chocolate buttercream icing, and sprinkles and sparkles galore.....

Baked just last night in honor of the occasion, and they'll be going to a dinner party with us later this evening, hehe. :)

But not before I have one for breakfast with a cup of my favorite brew....

(This image is from a "Witch's Brew Cafe" sign painted many years ago - must remember to paint another soon!)

I've also come to the party bearing gifts! Well, OK - gift, hehe....This handsome fellow is painted on an 8" x 8" gallery canvas, and he's up for grabs at the end of the party!

Just leave a comment here over the weekend, and I'll draw a name first thing Monday morning. If you're a blog follower, I'll throw your name in the pointed hat twice.

Until then, it's time to mingle with other party-goers, so I'm flying back out again, leaving a trail of magic behind....

(I'll be back soon, though!)

¸¸,ø¤º.·:*¨¨*:·..·:*¨¨*:·º¤ø,..~ Carolee

Friday, October 16, 2009

Just a Few More Hours....

The cupcakes are baked, the witch's brew is almost ready, the giveaway is waiting in the wings, and the resident black and orange cats are ready to party....

ME, on the other hand - I'll turn into a pumpkin FOR REAL if I try to stay up 'til midnight to update my blog with party photos. So look for the festivities to commence sometime tomorrow morning (eastern)...

Until then, wishing you magic and merriment!

~ Carolee

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Quick Update

Flying in for just a few minutes with an update on John's situation, and many thanks to everyone who's sent prayers, good thoughts and positive energy our way. :)

This morning found us rising at 3:30 AM and leaving the house an hour later, to insure arrival at the hospital by 6:30. The cardiac cath went well, no surprises, etc - so surgery is a go on the fifth of November.

Until then, John is resting as much as possible, and I'm painting like mad, with several new pieces in the works, including a large canvas, some small boxes and a couple of large pieces too.

I'll be back with another update (and photos!) soon, but in the meantime, it's been a verrrrrry long day and it's time for me to collapse....

Until next time,
~ Carolee

Monday, October 12, 2009

A Peek Inside My Still Spinning Head....

Still amped from the thrill of last weekend's Ghoultide Gathering, and determined to shake off some family stuff, it's full speed ahead in the studio!

On the brain right now.....

While new works are being created, here's a piece listed on eBay - kind of a fun way to greet trick-or-treaters....

Several new projects are in the works right now too, including a few smaller pieces I hope to list on Etsy very soon, and a large painting on canvas - no hints except to say it has a unique perspective. :)

There's also Miss Vanessa Valencia's fabulous Halloween party next Saturday!! I'm thinking of making orange cupcakes with chocolate buttercream icing just for the occasion....

Of course, I'll have to find someone to take them AFTER the party, so they don't end up as breakfast for the next several days, hehe.

With Halloween rapidly approaching, I'm carefully picking and choosing which pieces to complete in time for pre-holiday shipping....decisions, decisions, eh? A checkers game table? A Recipe box? A set of coasters? A large treat box? Another sign or two? A spells and potions chest? Stay tuned....

On a personal note, big congrats to my niece Sarah on her wedding! It was a beautiful ceremony, and I wish you both many years of happiness and many adventures together. :)

And congrats to our daughter Courtney, who landed a new job - no small feat in this economy. I'm so proud of you and so thrilled you're now living closer to us!

That's about it for now (that's enough, right?!) I'll be back again soon with photos of works in progress, and hopefully a few photos from cabin weekend with the girls and a trip to Peddler's Village up in Bucks County (been dying to visit for weeks now!)

Until then, wishing everyone magical and creative autumn days!

♥ Carolee

Saturday, October 10, 2009

PFATT Marketplace Update!

I was so busy and preoccupied with my niece's wedding yesterday, I almost forgot the PFATT Marketplace updated last night at midnight! (Wonder if all those raspberry cobbler martinis had anything to do with my memory lapse?)...

Anyway, I'm sharing it now - the very first 2009 holiday piece (previewed a couple of days ago) available for direct purchase on a first come basis.

Soooooooo much fun, this one - does it get much better than a tuxedo cat and GLITTER?! I think not, hehe...

Thanks for taking a peek, and if anyone is interested in purchasing, just shoot me an email. :)

I'm off to get a TON of shipping ready to go, and then PAINTING! Have a happy and creative weekend, all!!

♥ Carolee

Thursday, October 8, 2009

A Sparkly Preview

I have some glittery new pieces to share with you, but first things first...

The response to yesterday's blog sale was just overwhelming, and never did I dream everything would sell out in matter of hours. It's just such a blessing to put my creations out there into the world and know that someone likes them enough to give them a home - Thank you!

I've been in a sparkly kind of mood of late, probably because I'm still feeling the magic of last week's amazing show, so I thought I'd incorporate a little vintage glass glitter into this week's pieces.

A candle box (although I think it would also make a great tea box) listing tonight on eBay at 9PM eastern...

And the first winter/holiday piece this season - also dusted with glass sparklies...

Look for this one on the PFATT Marketplace at midnight on the 10th. :)

That's about it for today. I'm taking a rare day off tomorrow for my niece's wedding, and am so looking forward to it. She's very special to me, and I'm so happy she's found her one and only!

I'll be back just as soon as I can. Wishing everyone a happy and creative weekend!

♥ Carolee

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Blog Sale Tomorrow Night at 9PM

The studio is getting full, and I need to make room for upcoming Yule and Christmas pieces - and more Halloween of course!

To that end, I thought I'd try something a little different. Tomorrow night at 9PM eastern I'll post photos and descriptions of three original, one of a kind pieces, along with direct purchase prices, which will be at least twenty percent below the standard commission price for the same piece, and also below the typical ending eBay bid. The items will go to the first person to email me with the intent to purchase.

Look for a large "Welcome, Dearies" sign, a whimsical treat bowl, and a very special Wicked Jack heirloom piece.

As always, thanks for your interest in my work! :)

Happy Halloween!
~ Carolee

Monday, October 5, 2009

Halloween Eye Candy!

Well, another Ghoultide Gathering has come and gone, and I'm still giddy with excitement, and inspiration! There are some highs in life you just don't come down from easily, and this is one of them.

After a VERY late start due to a perfect storm of delays, we got on the road about 2PM Thursday last, which left us unable to make a lunch date in Pittsburgh we had been looking forward to for weeks. It also left us a little frazzled and less prepared than usual, having left behind our business sign and business cards (eek!) Thanks to a little magic worked by a very sweet and very persuasive collector, business cards were printed on the hotel copier, although I was unable to paint another sign in time. I was also unable to visit the other building (this show is housed in two historical buildings) as I cut out said business cards....

By the way, John says he's getting me a flashing red light and siren for Christmas because I always seem to have some kind of emergency. Isn't he a smart aleck?

Okay, back to the show! It was nothing short of amazing, and I have to stop for a minute and express major THANKS to Scott Smith and Stephanie Rawson for their months of hard work producing this wonderful event. I've exhibited at quite a few shows in my time, but nothing even remotely like this. It's a class act right down to the last detail, leaving artists and collectors alike clamoring for more, and already looking forward to next year!

I managed to snap a few photos inside the building we were in, but missed soooooo many others! And the photo of my own display is shaky at best, so I cropped it to show a little detail.

Here are a few highlights:

Part of my own display...

Scott Smith's incredible work...

Nicol Sayre's beautiful dolls...

Lori Brechlin's gorgeous needlework...

And Kristen Beason's wonderfully whimsical characters

I promise to post more photos if I can get ahold of them!

We did come home with just a few pieces - four of which just listed on eBay a few minutes ago, and several I may try to sell directly from the blog...Check back here tomorrow afternoon for details!

Oh - and for Wicked Jack fans, I sill have one piece (a very large one) available, which I need to sell to make room in the studio for upcoming Yule and Christmas pieces. To that end, I'll be reducing the price by about 20% if anyone is interested in purchasing it directly. Photos in a day or two, I promise. ;)

In the meantime, I'm off to walk the Aussies, feed the kitties, and catch some much needed sleep! I've been operating on 4-5 hours a night for so long, I think it's finally catching up with me, hehe....

Goodnight, all!

♥ Carolee
PS - It was soooooooooooooo wonderful to meet those of you who came to the show, and I'm hoping next year we can find a few minutes to chat. :)

Thursday, October 1, 2009

On the Road!

Eight hours behind schedule, but we're on our way to Michigan for the Ghoultide Gathering! Hope to see some of you there. :)

♥ Carolee