After a VERY late start due to a perfect storm of delays, we got on the road about 2PM Thursday last, which left us unable to make a lunch date in Pittsburgh we had been looking forward to for weeks. It also left us a little frazzled and less prepared than usual, having left behind our business sign and business cards (eek!) Thanks to a little magic worked by a very sweet and very persuasive collector, business cards were printed on the hotel copier, although I was unable to paint another sign in time. I was also unable to visit the other building (this show is housed in two historical buildings) as I cut out said business cards....
By the way, John says he's getting me a flashing red light and siren for Christmas because I always seem to have some kind of emergency. Isn't he a smart aleck?
Okay, back to the show! It was nothing short of amazing, and I have to stop for a minute and express major THANKS to Scott Smith and Stephanie Rawson for their months of hard work producing this wonderful event. I've exhibited at quite a few shows in my time, but nothing even remotely like this. It's a class act right down to the last detail, leaving artists and collectors alike clamoring for more, and already looking forward to next year!
I managed to snap a few photos inside the building we were in, but missed soooooo many others! And the photo of my own display is shaky at best, so I cropped it to show a little detail.
Here are a few highlights:
Part of my own display...

Scott Smith's incredible work...

We did come home with just a few pieces - four of which just listed on eBay a few minutes ago, and several I may try to sell directly from the blog...Check back here tomorrow afternoon for details!
Oh - and for Wicked Jack fans, I sill have one piece (a very large one) available, which I need to sell to make room in the studio for upcoming Yule and Christmas pieces. To that end, I'll be reducing the price by about 20% if anyone is interested in purchasing it directly. Photos in a day or two, I promise. ;)
In the meantime, I'm off to walk the Aussies, feed the kitties, and catch some much needed sleep! I've been operating on 4-5 hours a night for so long, I think it's finally catching up with me, hehe....
Goodnight, all!
♥ Carolee
PS - It was soooooooooooooo wonderful to meet those of you who came to the show, and I'm hoping next year we can find a few minutes to chat. :)
Oh I love the photos everyone has taken of this is a veritable smorgasboard it all.:)
This is really an eye-candy.
Ana a phantastic one.
Thanks for sharing.
It was wonderful to meet you in person Carolee, you are as kind and clever as your blog personality! And your work in person is perfect!
Do the others (whose pics you showed) have blogs?
Or how about at least a bit of linkage?
Pretty please?!?
Oh Carolee!! Thank you, thank you for the pics!! Now I know what Scott's table looked like Before....I only saw the After....LOL
Your table was gorgeous! And there's Joyceee's black cat sign!! Your cat eyes are AMAZINGLY detailed!!! Love it!
Now relax for a little bit! Next year will be here before you know it.....hehe!
Hugs, Lori
Looks like you had a blast. Can't wait to possibly go next year.
Eek! Thanks for the reminder, Wendy - just posted the links! :)
Thanks for sharing the great photos Carolee!! So glad everything pulled together for you in the end and that you had a fantastic time! I understand that feeling of electricity in air!! It all goes by just too fast! Anyway, hope you get your much needed rest before the Christmas rush. Talk soon...Iva
OMG looks like such an amazing time, what a wonderful show!
Thanks so much for sharing the fantastic photos, Carolee! I'm so happy it was a success and so much fun for everyone!!
All I can say is it was about time we met. I wish we had had more time but alas busy, busy, busy! Both Dan and John were exhausted but real troopers through the whole experience. You still are and always will be my favorite artist extraordinaire! Get some rest! Pam
I knew your table would be an explosion of brilliant color. AMAZING work Carolee! So happy to hear the show was another great success.
It was awesome to meet you and see your work in "person" very colorful. I loved looking at it up close with all the details.
can't wait for next year.
Thank you so much for posting the Goultide photos! I'm sure you'll need a bit of a breather after all of the excitment. Love the work!
Ha ha, Lori said what I was thinking because all I saw were heads at Scott's table.
I think I missed seeing more than half the show... that's because the buyers were scrambling to get their hands on pieces.
Oh well, there's always next year! Looking forward to it and more chatting :)
It looks like you had a great time, Carolee. How fun and inspiring that must have been! :-)
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