Sometimes inspiration comes when we least expect it.
I'll just be puttering around the house (OK, I don't do much puttering these days, far too busy for that, hehe)...But I'll be DOING something - in this case I was tidying up the living room - and there it is, a little spark. Like Merlin gazing up at the tree....

He appeared to be looking at a star, and it got me wondering - if a cat could wish upon a star, what do you suppose he would wish for? Other than lots of tuna, I mean. :) Anyway,
this is the piece that followed that line of thinking, a little black kitten wishing upon the Christmas star....

Actually, I think my own wishes would be similar.
Peace on Earth, Goodwill to all. It really says it all. :)
Wishing you the blessings of this beautiful season...
♥ Carolee
How sweet both the real kitty and painting :)
I would wish for the same. A beautiful piece :)
Lovce your signs. There are so magical. Wishing you a peaceful Happy Chrsitma. Lindax
Sweet Photo and lovely painting as allways.
What a magical painting!!!
Stunning! Merlin is quite the subject - a handsome boy!
Merlin makes a wonderful model.
Beautiful, Carolee, just beautiful!
♥, Susan
and to you Carolee!
beautiful both your art and your cat :)
enjoy your day
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