I'll begin by showing you this sparkly bunch

Am I the only one who tends to jump right to the most FUN part of a project first? Not that it ALL isn't fun, but there's something extra-special-magical about opening a jar of glitter...

There's a candle box listing tomorrow too - the second piece this week inspired by the notion of a cat wishing upon a star. This one will feature a white "peace cat" with a snowflake wand, granting the wishes of homeless cats everywhere; love and comfort, kindness and compassion, a place to call home, a warm hearth, and peace on earth, good will to all. I'm including a few scented votives with this one too. No photos yet though, as it's still in progress.
That's about it for now. I'm off to feed some very impatient Aussies (the earlier it goes dark, the earlier they think it's dinner time) and then to scare up some dinner for John and I.
And after that, the varnishing will commence, haha. :)
Oh! Almost forgot - Just for the holidays, I set the music to begin automatically, so if you'd rather not hear it, or are already listening to something else, just scroll down to the purple playlist on the right, where you can stop it. (Or not - they're great tunes!)
Back very soon,
♥ Carolee
I love your artwork - its so detailed.
As usual, amazing Carolee. I am still looking at my special star box from you--the lovely stars you've got here might make good companions to mine! :)
Love your music too!
Oh, the boxes are great! I had tochuckle about the jumping ahead of yourself with the sparkles, as I did the very same thing with one of my ornaments the other night. UH O! LOL...
i love them all!!
as far as glitter-the more the sparkle the better :)
enjoy your day
I may be stalking one of those boxes! Kind of like my cat, Pixie would.
♥, Susan
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