But this year feels a bit different. There's a full moon tonight. The second full moon this month. A blue moon. I read the last time this happened on New Year's Eve was back in 1990, so it's a pretty rare occurrence. Can't just let that go unnoticed. ;)
I'm also not one to make New Year's resolutions. Just the word is a bit much; "resolution". To resolve. It's so restrictive, so demanding, so.....not me.
Wishes are much better, don't you think? I believe there's great power in wishing, and if that's so, there must be even more power in wishing on a blue moon, yes?
So before I say goodbye to 2009, I'd like to share a few wishes for the coming year.
I wish for Health. Not selfishly (although as regular readers know, health issues have been a challenge for us this year) but for those who face challenges far more serious and immediate than ours; for a dear friend's father who is suffering from a very painful cancer, for a relative, a collector friend and an artist friend also fighting battles with cancer. For another dear friend fighting kidney failure and heart disease. For those with no insurance. I wish for health, for quality, affordable care, and for comfort.
I wish for Peace. I wish for the realization that, in the words of Ghandi, "There is no way to peace. Peace is the way."

I wish for magic and joy. I wish for delight in the smallest, simplest miracles we see all around us, every day. I wish that we take time to notice these little miracles, to draw inspiration from them, and to never, ever take them for granted.
I wish for these things and so much more....
What are your wishes? What good thoughts and intentions are you sending up to the universe this blue moon night?
Whatever they are, I wish they come true. And I wish you a Happy and blessed year to come!
¸.•´¸.•*¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´ .•´ ¸¸.•¨¯`• ~ Carolee
What wonderful wishes you made! I will wish for all the same things as well and I do believe wishes come true!!! I love Blue Moons!
What a beautiful post Carolee..straight from the heart...I wish for you and your husband many healthy days ahead and a wonderful New Year.
What inspiring warm words. Our prayers are
with those who need healing- May the powers-that-be
watch over you and your loved ones.
Happy New Year to you and yours, Carolee! :) Theresa
May all your wishes come true sweetie
What beautiful wishes!!! I wish for them all to come true! I wish for you and your husband to have a better and healthy year also.
I, too, slept before the ball dropped (had to get up for work at 3:00 a.m.)and was awakened by fireworks at midnight. I hope your furkids made it through okay.
wonderful wishes! I didn't know the Ghandi quote... I like it very much.
Best to you and yours in 2010!
What a beautiful and unselfish post you have for the New Year. If only your wishes would come true for everyone...what a wonderful world it would be! Thank you for sharing.
Happy New Year to you too Carolee! May ALL of your wishes come true..... And I agree, "wishes" are much more agreeable with me than "resolutions"... hehe!
So, best wishes to you..
~ Johanna
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