There's been sooooooo much going on in our little world here, I hardly know where to start. I suppose I'll just do as the King said to the White Rabbit: "Begin at the beginning and go on till you come to the end: then stop."
For starters, I've been dividing time between painting and doctor and hospital visits...
If you read here regularly, you know my husband John has had two major heart surgeries in less than two years. Well, that kind of invasive procedure - twice no less - can apparently wreak havoc with the heart's rhythm, which is just what happened; his heart rate at rest was far higher than what most people experience with vigorous aerobic exercise - YIKES! So after trying several meds to no avail, they decided to shock his heart. Like you see on TV, with the paddles. Just like a clock, they re-set it.
Scary, but I'm happy to say it worked, and John is on his way back to work this week. The doctor's recommendation was early next month, but he does feel better, and after a letter from his employer (a large corporation) saying they would no longer hold his position, he decided to go back tout de suite. Aren't big corporations wonderful?! Don't even get me started....
I've also had my own issues with an old ankle injury - well, three old injuries actually - which have left tendons and ligaments destroyed, and the recommendation is either surgery (with about a 50% chance of making it worse) or wear a brace for the rest of my life. Big fun, yes? On hearing the news, I had a good cry for about five minutes, then snapped out of it (remembering how blessed I am to be mobile at all) and decided I needed to lose weight and find a really cool cane. Which I did. Find a cane, that is. One with butterflies. (The weight loss will take just a wee bit longer I'm afraid.)
Do you suppose they make Halloween canes? Someone should paint one, don't you think? ;)
On the painting front, things are just AMAZING, with (as usual) more ideas spinning around in my brain than I know what to do with. The question is never "What to paint?", but "What to paint FIRST?!"
This one is listed on the PFATT Marketplace now, up for grabs to the first person to email me. Painting it made me want to abandon all thoughts of a diet and bake a batch of cupcakes instead, hehe....*UPDATE* - SOLD

Oh! And I have two VERY exciting things to share. First, there's a new Marketplace opening soon, where I'll be offering one very special piece on the 31st of the month.
You can imagine a fanfare now - trumpets and flags, confetti and lights - TA-DAAAA!:
The EHAG Emporium!

The NEXT exciting thing I have to share is the 2010 Ghoultide Gathering!!

That's about it for now...Are you still with me, or did you fall asleep ages ago, hehe? Sometimes there's a little news and sometimes there's LOTS of news, and this was one of those times.
I'm off to make our very late dinner now - an extra spicy curry with basmati rice - yummmmm. I'll be back very soon with a peek at yet another piece - "Wicked Stitches"....
In the meantime, have a *magical* and creative week!!
♥ Carolee
Great update. Wishing you and John the best in the coming year.
So glad John's doing better, Carolee. Y'all have been very much in my thoughts. Best wishes for speedy improvement with your ankle. In the meantime, canes are awesome! I suggest getting one with a sword in it, but replacing the sword with a paintbrush ;-)
Take care, and please give my love to Courtney!
Love the cupcakes.....speaking of needing to loose weight ...your not the only one!!!! Loce your work!
Carolee, I just love your work!
will be going to the Ghoultide Gathering to see all the beautiful work all the artists have to offer!
Maryann from thepinktulip
Yeah, paddles sound extra scary, but so glad they worked. You guys sure have had your share of challenges. Good luck with your ankle. I'm positive that the butterfly cane will have magic powers to help. Keeping you in my prayers.
Smiles, Debbie
You have been busy, had many ups and downs. But I am very glad you and hubby are better and still here in blogland. Love your work always have..
So much exciting news Carolee!!! Glad to hear John is better and that 2010 is looking great for you! By the way, I think you know who can paint you a very special Halloween cane!!
Carolee I am going to love following your blog.Love your art work and pleasure visiting your blog. I will be back. I found you on face book. Thanks for sharing.
Best wishes for a healthy New year, to you both.
Hugs, Laura.
Glad tidings from Dublin & thankyou for following me on facebook! I agree What to paint FIRST? although I was in a mental vicegrip of painting White Rabbits up until a week ago! I'm ok now
Delurking! Glad Johns heart is ok! How scary!
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