I'll be spending the day immersed in books and sketches of Middle Earth, and doing a bit of work on a couple of commissions. Later on, the plan is dinner on the grill and a new salad recipe, accompanied by my new favorite drink (sweet tea vodka and lemonade - yummmm). :)
Wish you could all join us for a great big potluck! Wouldn't that be FUN?!
I'll be back very soon with new work, but until then (or at least until this evening) there's still the mending box up for grabs on eBay...

I'll leave you with this wonderful video...
Enjoy the day!
♥ Carolee
A very merry May Day to you! I'm completely enchanted by the painting of the girl and the deer, it's beautiful!
And a best Beltain to ye as well! :-)
Happy May to you, too! :)
Merry May Day to you as well!
*tosses petals*
happy may to you carolee! sweet tea, vodka and lemonade? yes please! :):) xox
sounds like a lovely day! Hope you got a lot done. And Ive always loved Loreena McKennet, such goregeous music...
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