I don't mean to minimize life's challenges here (and believe me, we've had more than a few), but the older I get, the more I believe that happiness lies in our focus. I can look at another heart procedure for John as "Oh no! Hasn't he been through enough!?", or I can see the miraculous technology and skill which allow his doctors to fix something that fifty years ago would have been completely unfixable. I mean, that's HUGE, right?
So yes, things are looking pretty amazing on the home front, I thank everyone for the prayers and positive energy once again - it means more than you know.
On the art front, things are pretty amazing too. First, there's work to be done for the sixth annual Ghoultide Gathering...

I'm so excited, there are a few pieces already in the works, hehe. ;)
There's also tomorrow's PFATT Marketplace, where this dapper fellow will make his debut...

He's rather large (18" tall), but I think he would look fabulous sitting on a dining table or mantle. This is just one side though - check the Marketplace tomorrow at 10AM Pacific/1PM eastern to see the other side. I know, I'm a tease.
In case you're not familiar, the PFATT ladies ("Primitive Folk Art Talk and Tea", pronounced with a silent P, hehe) are a wonderfully supportive art group - a sort of sisterhood of folk artists - and I'd be remiss if I didn't share the blog giveaway the group has going now...

I also have the privilege of belonging to the Eclectic Halloween Artists Guild - or EHAG, as it's better known - a juried group of some of the world's finest Halloween artists. Our monthly EHAG Emporium goes live on the last day of each month, at 9PM eastern. So there's a wicked cool Emporium piece in works too. More on this later.
Oh, and just by way of useless but amusing info, some of the EHAG artists (such as myself) are also PFATT members. We call ourselves the pfatt hags, teehee.
Commissions are in the works as well, both new and old, and I can't tell you how incredible it feels to know I have commissions scheduled for most of the year already! Like Sally Field at the Oscars: "You like me!! You really LIKE me!"
Ideas for new work are swirling around in my brain the February full snow moon has passed, but the Snow Moon Goddess piece is yet to be completed. There's also a Practical Magic footstool waiting patiently in line. And a St. Gertrude piece as well - the patron saint of gardeners and cats, whose feast day is March 17th.
Meanwhile, there's housework and cooking to be done, knitting and stitching, and I'm trying to squeeze in some reading time. I'll tell you, I do not understand how anyone could ever say they're bored! Sooooooo much to see, to do and to accomplish. A hundred lifetimes would not be enough.
That's about it for today. There are two Aussies here, nudging my left elbow as I type, wanting very much to go for a walk. I think they want to play in the snow before it disappears. ;)
I'll leave you with this beautiful, wintry song. I've been listening to the Wailin' Jenny's in the studio quite a bit lately. Such lovely harmonies....
Until next time,
♥ Carolee
Hi Carolee!
Glad to hear things at home are good. Your Easter Bunny is to die for! I am quite enamored with him! Can't wait to see what comes next!
Dear pfatt hag extraordinaire-You are a whirlwind inspiration this morning. My wish for John is healing and renewal--for you, that you grow more hands and lifetimes to accomplish all that you imagine. I'm still waiting for the snow I so desire here in NYC-and rumor has it we might get some late tonight into Saturday (I'll believe it when I see it.
PS--I went to the Pfatt link, became a follower---but I don't find a way to post a comment in order to enter the give away. Can you help?
At the end of the post on the PFATT blog, click on the number of comments. :)
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