In her book
"The Artist's Way", author Julia Cameron likens the pool of creativity to a well - and as we all know, one cannot draw from an empty well. It must be replenished from time to time. ;)
It's easy to forget this, so caught up are we in deadlines and commitments, and often just keeping our heads above water...Until one day, a little voice inside us says "enough"...says "take some time"...says "slow down"...says "breathe"....
The voice has been growing louder these last few weeks, until this morning, when despite a very full commission schedule, it got the better of me...
So a word to John (who is truly a saint when it comes to humoring my last minute whims) and we gassed up the Beetle and made a run out to
St. Peter's Village, a historic old mining town on the banks of the French Creek...

I have such fond memories of visiting St Peters as a kid, and climbing around on these big boulders...

(Probably break my neck these days, hehe)....

The village itself is very small and very quaint, changing very little since it's days as a "company" town back in the 1800's. Only now, many of the houses along the main street are little shops...

I remember St Peter's Village back in the 1970's, when (after the quarry was mined out), it became a popular shopping and dining destination. Many of the shops have long since closed down, but a few small businesses are still there, and hoping to make a comeback. I thought this one was interesting - you can't really see the sign in the photo, but its says "Nana's", then "storytelling and lunch", which I found so charming, and a pity it wasn't open.

There's also a wonderful little bakery...

Um, OK, big bakery. ;) And an elegant Inn, where I understand the dinners are superb...

But my favorite was the
West Hanover Winery's shop. Nevermind that 11AM is a bit early for a tasting, hehe - I just had to try this Buckwheat Honey Mead...

Liquid heaven, *sigh*..... Seriously, if you're withing striking distance of either St. Peters or the winery itself, you MUST try it.
We also visited a little antique shop, where I (with John's, ahem, "help") resisted the temptations of several antique pinkeeps - but not so this antique clock case. It was speaking to me, saying "Take me to
Ghoultide!"...and well, I just couldn't ignore it, could I?

Of course I couldn't. Not sure what's up with the baby blue interior, but rest assured by the time I finish with it, it will be the most wicked cool, Witch's apothecary cabinet you've ever seen. ;)
So yes, not only did I replenish the creative well - I replenished the wooden painting surface supply as well.
Serendipity. ♥
And now it's back to work! I'm very close to finishing a super-fun clock commission, and then it's on to a Practical Magic inspired footstool, another Goddess painting, and more commissions and Ghoultide Gathering pieces. If only there were more hours in the day!
In the meantime, prints are available in
the Etsy shop, and there are still a couple of commission spots open for 2012 (December completion). Just check the commission guidelines on the above right, and shoot me an email if you're interested. :)
I'll be back very soon!
♥ Carolee
Good for you, and that bottled libation looks like a fine treat for replenishing the weary well. What a gorgeous town too. Thanks for sharing.
Hi Carolee!
That clock cab. is way cool! Can not wait to see what you make of it! I know it will be amazing! Oh, someday prob. once my kids are grown, I will be able to get one! Just love your work!
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