But I'm so happy to take a break in honor of one of my favorite all time books and movies! In fact, "Practical Magic" inspiration has been swirling around in my head for weeks now...

"Midnight Margaritas"...

Back to the studio for me now (major show prep underway), but I hope to do a little blog hopping later. Until then, wishing you a day of magic and wonder!
♥ Carolee
PS - My Etsy shop is out of most of the Practical Magic prints now, but I'll be replenishing them after I get back from Michigan (the week of the 5th)
Oh my goodness!!! They are ALL so beautiful. I think I especially like the last one - it is truly powerful. Happy Practical Magic Day...if you get a chance, please stop by and visit with me. :)
These prints are wonderful! Practical Magic is one of my alltime favorite movies.
OO OO OO Enter me please. Would be so delighted to receive one of your prints. But, If not chosen will be delighted to go purchase one in your etsy store to. Best Wishes at your upcoming shows.
Cheers Carolee ~
from the Hive
I think Midnight Margaritas is my favorite! Hugs, Gunilla
Oh oh oh hon...you have outdone yourself here!! Love these!!! Perfect for the party!! I would have a bit of trouble choosing too...but I would happily do so if I won!!! Happy Party..come on by mine and add your name to my hat too!
Hugs, Sarah - Cottage Garden Studios
They are all wondeful Carolee, I love the last one the best, the roof top :)
Oh my goodness, would I love to have one of these!! I love all of them, truly, but I think 'My Darling Girl' is my favorite.
spellcasting is my favorite! i love it! thank you for letting me put these on my Practical Magic Party post as well.
hugs and love
I've always loved how she had her little spell on what her true love would look like. My sisters and I did the same and I found mine exactly as I had pictured him! Beautiful work Carolee!! (Rebecca's oldest ;))
I love the first one! Just adorable!!
“O, swear not by the moon, the fickle moon, the inconstant moon, that
monthly changes in her circle orb, lest that thy love prove likewise variable.” --Hello dear...if my name comes out of the magic giveaway hat, I will choose the enchanting #1 with it's fluttering prayer rising.
Hi Carolee,
I am so fond of your Practical Magic art work! I would be so thrilled to win!!! Please enter my name in the magic witches hat.
These are magical, Carolee. I would be thrilled to own one of your pieces... even a print! I'd choose the first. A girl can't have too many spells.
They are all wonderful. my favorite is the Midnight Margaritas. Practical Magic is one of my favorite movies as well.
They are all fabulous! I think Midnight Margaritas is my fav, but I'm not sure...they are all just too fun! My mother and sisters and I always watch this around Halloween. :) We daydream of living in that house too.
I see why you had such a hard time choosing...who wouldn't!! They are all fabulous!!! Have a wonderful Ghoultide Gathering!!
Christina Yoo
As always, you have brought a little bit of Autumn into my still Summer weather. Beautiful for certain! We need some "Halloween Carols"!
Lovely to find that you're joining in the blog party. I've watched you getting into the swing of things and wouldn't mind having any one of your beautiful pieces but would have to say that "My Darling Girl" is my favorite.
Some really magical pieces and from my favourite film too. I think it would be very hard to choose between them.
So hard to decide but Spellcasting is awfully cute!
So nice of you to offer a give away!
See you next weekend!
how wonderful! i *will* be potting up some rosemary & lavender next season (in containers as i rent, * i want to take them with should i move), but the third print is my favorite reminder that there is safety in my oddness ;)
Practical Magic has been one of my favorite movies since it came out! Aunt Frances was fantastic. I love them all, but the third is my favorite. Jean (Thisisridiculous95@yahoo.com)
Your representations of this great movie are great! One of my favorite movies for a very special & magical time of year!
Oh how I love your beautiful art!! You always amaze me with your never ending talent!! I like them all but My Darling Girl is my fav!!
Gen Voss
I think all the prints aer wondrous, it would be so hard to pick out the one..that special one. Thank you for sharing. I am hoping that you will visit me:
Oh MY! How lovely of you to give us the opportunity to win one of your beautiful works! Thank you! (I can't decide which is my favorite though I'm drawn to the center one). Happy 2nd Annual Practical Magic Blog Party! Hope you’ll drop by: http://digginaround.blogspot.com/2011/09/practical-magic-blog-party-post.html
So GLAD to see these are available as prints now. LOVE the last one.........the line about being normal denoting a rather lack of courage is one of my favorite lines from one of my most favorite movies! Congratulations on your success and your husband's good health! Blessings & happy painting! Rachel at TheHouseThatGothBuilt@gmail.com
Love that movie and book as well and I would choose "Spellcasting". If only such a house as was in that movie existed in this world ... it is truly my dream house.
My email is in my profile, thanks for the chance to win some of your magical work
What an artist you are! And what a lovely giveaway - how could a person choose which one? Stop by my enchanted oven and have a PM cookie with me.
I love your blog and what a wonderful party and giveaway. Please enter my name.
Oh wow!! I wouldn't even know which one to chose, they are all so beautiful! I enjoyed my visit, feel free to come and visit me too. :)
OMGoodness!! I am actually drooling, LOL these are so beautiful, I love them all. but if it is only 1, it would have to be young sally and her spell by moonlight!
Thanks for the opportunity!
susanscraps AT comcast DOT net
What absolutely beautiful prints!!! Please enter me!
I love them all (I'm waiting for my print of the aunts right now) - it was so hard to choose one!!! I love your work - wish you had one of your bowls for sale!!!
I would love to own any one of those beautiful prints! Thanks for the chance to do so! blessed be! I hope you will stop by for a chance to win one of my spiced witch lanterns! bertie
If I hadn't seen your blog post about this Magical Party, I would never have known !!
So thank you for that...
And having loved your Artistry for years- if the fates would have it- and I was chosen... It would definitely be "My darling Girl.."...
Midnight Blessings to you Carolee !!
Oh wow I love your art work, it's stunning and the Practical Magic prints with the quotes are beautiful, such a brilliant giveaway.
J x
What a great giveaway. Your art is so very wonderful. I love all of the prints, but I must say, the last one with the aunts is my favourite, especially because of the saying that goes with it. I get a lot of courage from that one !!
Have a magical day.
Hi Carolee! Wishing you a beautiful Autumn! See you at the show! :)
All of your artwork is so beautiful! you are my absolutely favorite artist! hope you pick me, would love to have one of your pieces of artwork. Nicole R.
I love your work just beautiful! So glad I flew by1
I love them all but you already know which one I WANT/NEED/MUST HAVE. :)
And if I don't win it, it's ok because it will be minemineallmine just as soon as more prints are in your Etsy store. :-D
Hi Carolee,
You have made perfect paintings based on the Practical Magic movie. I think "Spellcasting" is my favorite, yet I also love the other two ones. Great job -- and thanks for the chance to win a print. :)
Magical Times,
I just discovered your wonderful blog and fantastical creations. Love it! I will be linking to your blog next month in honor of the most fun month of the year! My Daily Swoon.
I can't believe you're giving one of these away!! OMG! I so love your work!! This is so generous of you!
Hello, I am visiting form the Practical Magic Blog party. :D I love your art. I am an artist, too! I think all three are fantastic. I really like the first one best, though. I am your newest follower! Lovely post!!!
Your work is so fun...so detailed...so magical....thank you for sharing some of it with us :)
I think Spellcasting is my favorite. Enjoyed the visit. Your art work is wondeful.
Theresa N
Spellcasting is my favorite, but they are all enchanting!
Liz Mills
Spellcasting is my favorite. I love the pines and the moon, reminds me of being up to our cabin. It is such a relaxing beautiful place and your picture gives me the same feeling!
Fabulous! I would love a chance to win one of your prints - Spellcasting is my favorite..thank you so much!
OOh! I want one!! You can contact me at bomberryr@gmail.com . I can hardly wait.
My favorite of your pictures is Spellcasting! Beautiful work. I've always loved practical magic book and movie. LOL Love your blogs on the Hive. Please keep posting you do fantastic art work!
So excited for you that you finally have prints...they are wonderful. I would love to have one..please enter my name.
Such fantastic painting...hope you do well at the show!
Oh My! They are all so fabulous!
My all time favorite Movie as well!
Spellcasting is my favorite!!!!
Put me in!
Please enter my name in the Magic giveaway. Best Witches!
Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous (that's what your paintings are). :-)
Your prints are lovely :) And a great post for the blog party. I'd live to be included in the drawing-Midnight Margaritas is my favorite, I think.
They're all so wonderful how to choose. Love that movie too. I'd love to live in that house.
Absolutely adorable!!! My favorite is Spellcasting!! Please enter me!
mk261274 at gmail dot com
♥ Melissa @ Melissa's Meanderings
Love your work put my name in the drawing.
As always so amazing. I just love your Tole work. Beautiful art
Greetings Carolee. For as long as I've been following your blog, I'm still awestruck at how lovely your work is!
I would very much like to be entered in your giveaway. My favorite is Midnight Mararitas but I would be most honored to receive any of them.
Now that I finally made it here....oh my goodness!!! I have seen your PM art mentioned as I make my rounds and just love all of them. I couldn't really choose, but maybe Midnight Margaritas because it reminds me of this party. Thank you so much for being a part of this event and for offering such a generous gift. Your work is magical :)
My favorite is spellcasting.
Wonderful PM party post. Yep I'm tardy to the party but slowly making the rounds. Your art work is awesome with the last print of the family together particularly touching to my heart.
Much success at your upcoming show.
Have a great day and a magical autumn,
Those paintings are so beautiful. What a wonderful collection to have especially if you love the movie Practical Magic.
I love Practical Magic so much, time to watch it again! Love your work, it's really wonderful.
Practical Magic is *high* on my list of favorite movies. LOVE these!
I love all of your prints, but I think s"Spellcasting" would be my favorite! Thanks for the giveaway! Bright Blessings,
I bought `my darling girl' at the ghoultide gathering for my little one - I cant wait to hang it in her room. I'm thinking I could use a midnight margarita for myself! Thanks for sharing your talent with the world!
Oh my, choosing would be so difficult. I identify with each one! but I have to say the last one makes me think of the movie-although what the Aunt said resonates so much with me. I love margaritas--but I think...I identify most with not only the figure on the first-but what's written on the border.
My blog on reincarnation is at:
http://kmaribeaux.blogspot.com/2011/09/synchronicity.html but my
everyday email is galyn1320@yahoo.com and yes, oh,
yes-pls enter me in the drawing
which one resonates the most with me? the first one I think and yes pls do enter me in the drawing. My blog on reincarnation is at
and although I use gmail my everyday email is galyn1320@yahoo.com
Carolee, What a pleasure to see your beautiful talent at Ghoultide this past weekend. I am a huge fan of your work! Please enter me into your giveaway. Contact info: drpom6@hotmail.com or Diane Sturms Pelley on facebook. Thank you so much!
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