During the waking hours cider scented candles burn, and inspiring music fills the air - accompanied this particular week by near steady rainfall on the skylight, and punctuated by the occasional sound of the teakettle whistling. I've been listening to the soundtrack of Practical Magic for the last couple of days (a gift from a very special collector!) and am finding it truly puts me in a *witchy* frame of mind; all the better to paint by, hehe...
One of my favorite themes is the magic of hearth and home, the everyday "sorcery" found in all things domestic. This charming little mending box is a perfect example...

Kitchen witchery has also been on my mind lately, as I work on a recipe box to be displayed at the Ghoultide Gathering. There's been a good bit of kitchen witchery going on in my own kitchen as well - as the weather cools, we've been enjoying the first butternut and acorn squash of the season. Sooooooo yummy, and truly tastes like autumn! If anyone is interested, I'll be happy to share the recipe in the comments section, but I warn you, it's super sweet. John calls it "candy squash". ;)
Looking forward to Halloween, I've also been painting a few pieces inspired by childhood. This one is reminiscent of trick or treating at the scariest house in the neighborhood, the one where we were SURE a witch resided...

The two pieces shown above will list on Etsy tonight, and I know they'll find loving homes. ♥
I'm frequently asked "How do you part with your work?" - which genuinely puzzles me, because there's truly nothing more heartwarming than to know something I've created is being sent off into the world to bring smiles to someone else's home. It just gives me the warm fuzzies. Truly, it's the best.
Well, that's about it for now. It's back to the work table for me, where I'll most likely be burning the midnight oil painting new signs and treat boxes. I'll be back soon with another update, and in the meantime, wish you all a happy and *creative* rest of the week!
♥ Carolee
Forge on favored one, famous for the lure of all hallows!
Wonderful pieces and they're working their magick on me. I'm getting into the Halloween spirit just looking at them.
Carolee, how beautiful!! Makes me want Halloween to be here already!!!
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