I'm soooooo excited about this print venture!
While a few of the last batch remain in the Etsy shop, I thought I'd share a few new ones from the print order placed yesterday. Most will be going with me to the show, but I did order just a few extra for those who can't make it, which I expect to list on Etsy later this week. In the meantime, I thought I'd offer them here first.
The first (four available, 8" x 10") is another Practical Magic inspired print; the Aunts, with Gilly and Sally, on the widow's walk of that beautiful house. The quote is one of my all time favorites: "My darling girl, when are you going to realize that being normal is not necessarily a virtue? It rather denotes a lack of courage!"

If you'd like to claim one or more, just shoot me an email at carolee@kingofmice.com. :)
Thanks as always for visiting, and have a happy and creative rest of the week!
♥ Carolee
Excellent idea Carolee, good luck with the prints!
I love the practical magic inspired piece, I'm such a fan of the movie :-) Your work is really beautiful, I look forward to visiting often!
Hi there,
Thanks to Anna’s great Practical Magic blog party website I know that you are taking part in the event. I have pondered how to participate and thought it would be neat to post anonymously people’s thoughts and/or secrets regarding the movie. Sites which inspired me are:
Post Secret
Walt Disney Confessions
Those thoughts or secrets could e.g. be “I have already watched the movie 1,000 times,” “I wish I had a sister like Gilly,” “The aunts’ house is my dream house,” “I have dreamt about Jimmy” etc. Anything which comes to your mind when you think of “Practical Magic.”
If you feel like helping me out, be sure to send me your thought/secret as soon as possible at swappinghowdies@yahoo.de. Of course, I handle each “confession” anonymously. And – please nothing x-rated!
Greetings from Germany,
WoW!! These are gorgeous !!!!!! You are a magical painter!!!!!
Have a great Autumn!! :o)
Just beautiful, I wish I had your talent!-xo cindy
Oh, Wow! I've just found you and am I in love with these prints!!!
Karri @ kbailey@bhbt.com
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