First, I've been working like mad in the studio, and have several new pieces to show for it. The first two are listed on eBay now - a large, sparkly fairy tale sign or door crown....

It's been a week of surprises too, most of them via the US postal service, and truly brightening my day, not to mention reminding me how blessed I am to make my living this way, and know so many amazing and generous people.
First, a very special west coast collector who works for a cosmetics company, gifted me with the most amazing collection of beauty products! We're not talking one or two items here - we're talking body wash, body creme, two different mascaras, four lipsticks, eye cream, makeup remover, several eye shadow colors, blush, a beautiful compact, eye pencils...I could go on and on!! I'd share a photo, but everything is already unwrapped, put away in various makeup cases and already in use (hey ,I need all the help I can get, hehe)...Just overwhelmingly generous. So thank you, E. from the bottom of my heart!!
I also received another gift in the mail last week, by way of inspiration for a project currently in the works. This book here. DROOL. Seriously, I covet every home in this book, and if I ever win the lottery, I will SO have something similar built. Thanks sooooo much, L.!!!
Finally, I received the sweetest thank-you note from a lovely girl named Gabrielle who is the new owner of my Velveteen Rabbit box. Her Mother purchased the piece as a remembrance of her performance in the play, and she sent me a thank you, along with photos of her in costume, holding the box. Made. My. Day!

I swear, I am blessed with the absolute best collectors in the world, and it makes me tear up every time I think of their generosity - not only supporting my work, and making this artful life possible, but completely overwhelming me with all these goodies too...
And while we're on the subject of gifts, I also have to share my amazing Mother's Day gift - is this the coolest coffeepot EVER?

This is getting LONG, isn't it?! I can't help it, I just have so much to tell, and I suppose this is what happens when I'm remiss about updating more often, *sigh*...
Not to end with a downer, but on the home front there have been some challenges faced and challenges still to come. As regular readers know, my wonderful husband and partner John has spent a good part of the last two years in and out of hospitals for heart surgery, and has been on the road to recovery the last few months. Well, LIFE decided to throw a couple of wrenches into the works again, by way of surgery for basal cell carcinoma last week (successful, I'm happy to say!), and also by way of a more serious cancer returning - or at least that's the fear.
This is the first time I've posted about this, and I only do so with John's permission, but it's something we've lived with for a very long time. Long story short, John has a very rare form of non-hodgkins lymphoma. It's been in remission twice (and most recently for many years) but they think it's back. We'll find out more this coming Wednesday, when he sees a specialist at U Penn in Philadelphia. So if you're inclined to prayer, please think of him this Wednesday. Thanks. :)
I'll end this by thanking all our friends, both "real life" and cyber - collectors and artist friends, and friends I know through the wonderful art groups and chat groups to which I belong. Your support and encouragement means the world to me, and reminds me every day how much goodness and light there is in the world.
I'm truly blessed.
Back very soon! :)
♥ Carolee
Sending blessings and white light to your husband. Hope they find it is something else totally benign.
Love your Cat Sign. I have 12 cats (can't say no to a stray). My husband says we live in a "cat house".
Carolee and John,
I hope everything turns out okay with the tests. Sending heartfelt prayers your way!
Very beautiful teapot!!! And love your newest work!!
I must say I have always loved your work. Love the tea you are blessed, and all my blessings will be sent to John and you also. My friend Renee always said Together Strong...and that is true with you and John.
oh, someday I must have a "faery tales told here" sign!!! What a perfectly delightful piece of whimsey!
Love your mother's day gift - very funky and terrific and 2koola4skool!
Sending my prayers for your husband to have a good screening! - and for you to get through it all calmly.
Carolee ,You and John will be in my prayers for sure...My husband had a heart attack in his 40;s and then had lymphoma a couple years after that We are blessed as he is now 64 and doing well.
On a lighter note, the teapot if something I wold definetely love to have as well as that super book.
Keep a positive outlook on life. It can only help.
I have always wanted one of the Salem signs! Wishes for better health for you husband and comfort and energy for you.
♥, Susan
Lovely creations as always!
And prayers for you and your husband.
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