Yessssss, this is another "fly-by" post, hehe...but I couldn't resist sharing my latest piece....

I know, it follows on the heels of a tea chest and a tea tray - what can I say, I LOVE tea! There is truly something enchanting about it, don't you think? It's up for grabs
on eBay now.
Flying out again - must prepare our VERY late supper (90 plus degrees and humid here, so we're having a shrimp salad - yummmmm!)
Back very soon!
♥ Carolee
I want to paint like you when I grow up.
You are such an enchantress! Your artwork always makes me smile...
Dear Carolee
it´s quite a while since my last visit. And you made so many lovely things.
I love all your new creations.
Have a great sunday
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