Easter was lovely, if quiet, and I took the first day off in many months! Such fun to enjoy brunch out with John (no cooking - yay!) and a quiet drive through the country on the way home. The predicted rain never appeared. On the contrary, we had bright sunshine as we took in some of the most beautiful scenery in Chester and Lancaster counties; centuries old stone farmhouses, fields of "shippies" (Amish-speak for "sheep") and newborn lambs...dogwoods, cherry trees and flowering crabapples in bloom...just gorgeous, and a welcome break! Unfortunately, I left the camera at home, so no photos of the drive.
But I will share a pic of our very own flowering crabapple, at the edge of the little backyard koi pond. This is the view from my worktable, and if you look closely, you'll see one of the koi. I seriously must have the best job in the world - a commute down one flight of stairs, and this outside my window!

Daffodils are up too - one of my favorite flowers!

OK, enough of the garden, hehe...On to new work!
I've been having great fun lately playing with sculptural accents (see previous post for the first piece). Here's a second - just plain FUN, yes?

I'm still working on mending boxes and pinkeeps, so stay tuned, and I also hope to have something to offer for the April 30th EHAG Emporium update. (What was I THINKING taking a day off?!?)
Moving on to an update on John, I'm happy to report he's doing well with the second round of radiation. He's still experiencing some burns, but so far not as bad as the first round, and we're hoping this improvement continues. The doctor tells us it will be at least a couple of weeks after treatment stops before they can determine if remission has been achieved. So please keep those prayers and positive thoughts coming!
That's about it for now, except to thank all of you who've been so supportive of my work! We absolutely could not get through these challenges without you, and feel incredibly blessed that I'm able to keep this "job" going as John forges ahead with treatment. I'm looking forward to the day when we'll look back at this time wondering how we did it - and always realizing that it wasn't alone. ♥
That's about it for now. I'm off to catch a few hours sleep, assuming I can find a place on the bed (last I checked, there was one human, two dogs and three cats crashed out there, hehe)....
Back very soon with a sneak peek at the Emporium piece, and more rambling...
Until then,
♥ Carolee
The photos of your garden are lovely. I would never get any work done if I had a view like that. All I see from my studio window is sky and tree tops and sometimes even that is too much of a distraction.
This latest box does remind me of Beetle Juice. The curvy piece and the colors are great and I'll bet it sells right away. Like all of the things you make it's a wonderful piece.
Gorgeous Photos, Great works as usual, always a joy, keep on trucking, Linda:)x
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