♥ Big bulky sweaters, comfy jeans and Timberland boots.
♥ The scent of woodsmoke in the air.
♥ Pumpkins, mums and hay bales on front porches.
♥ Homemade applesauce
♥ A kettle of soup simmering on the stovetop.
♥ The crunch of leaves underfoot.
♥ Kids at school bus stops.
♥ Day trips to the mountains
♥ Cozy comforters
♥ Meeting new and old friends at the Ghoultide Gathering
♥ Halloween!
I could go on and on...
It's been autumn in the studio for a while now, as spicy, scented candles burn and musical selections lean toward the old and haunting. One of my favorite things about being a Halloween artist is immersion in this *magical* season all year long.
Last night we had the first acorn squash of the season (oven baked - I'm not a microwave kind o' gal) and Saturday we'll visit local farms stands for more - and probably pick up some of those pumpkins and mums as well. Today's projects (aside from painting like the wind for the upcoming Ghoultide Gathering!) include changing the garden flag out in front of the house from summer to autumn, and filling the antique watering can with autumn branches (high quality faux until the real thing is available)...
Most of the painting these days is show preparation, but I'm also trying to work in a few pieces for those who can't make it...

I must get back to work now (There's a Gypsy Fortune Telling sign calling my name), but not before thanking all of you who've left such thoughtful comments here on the blog, and on the facebook page, and all of you who've emailed with such kind words about my work. The absolute, hands-down, best part of this *job* (feels funny even calling it that!) is knowing what I do brings a smile, or brightens someone's day. :)
Much Love and Autumn Blessings...
♥ Carolee
It looks and feels like autumn is near and I'm thinking my list is very much like yours. Need to dig out the blue jeans and sweaters and get them ready to wear. I love the black background on the sign, it makes the orange of the pumpkins pop. Have fun painting.
Your sign is so pretty. I love fall, it is one of my favorite times of the year.
How cute is that!!!
m ^..^
Love the pumpkins!
I agree with everything on your list! Halloween being at the top of my list :)
This is a wonderful sign. The Fortune Teller's sign sounds like it will be spectacular, too! Can't wait for the reveal!
That pumking sign is very beautiful. I love autumn also. It is my favorite time of the year. Many greetings from far away Finland. Im big fan or your work
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