Those of us who are fortunate enough to share our lives with a black cat (or three or four, hehe) know that contrary to popular belief, they are not unlucky in the least. In fact, in many countries black cats are considered VERY lucky. :)
In England and Australia, if a black cat crosses your path, it brings good luck. Fisherman's wives kept black cats in the house, believing that they offered protection to their husbands, who were out to sea. And in the early seventeenth century, King Charles I kept a black cat he considered so lucky he ordered his guards to watch the cat 'round the clock. The day following the cat's death due to illness was the day the king was arrested (and subsequently tried for high treason and beheaded.).....Interesting stuff.....
So why do black cats have such a bad rep here in the States? I'm guessing it has something to with the old belief that they are witch's familiars (and what's wrong with that anyway, lol?) or with the old interpretation of the color black as night, or evil....Which has unfortunately resulted in some awful abuse, and also makes adoption of these beautiful creatures more difficult. When we adopted our Merlin and his brother Arthur through the Catworks organization in Reading, PA, we were told that black cats are the hardest to find homes for.
At any rate, as one of many people out to change the black cat's image to a *lucky* one, I just LOVE some of the old English charms associated with them. The piece above is bordered by a verse which is supposed to be repeated on the occasion of a black cat crossing your path, while stroking the cat three times. Look for another black cat charm piece to be completed soon too, and yet another with one of my favorite poems....
And while we're on the subject of cats, I have to give a shout to ginger cats as well....Look for a piece inspired our big boy Arthur to appear in the coming weeks too. :)
A few more Black Cat links:
EHAG, wherein lies some of the most wonderful black cat art on the net.
Black cat lover and collector Lyndy Ward, who's writing a book on the subject.
Whimsical black cat art from Becky Federico.
~ Carolee
Cheers to all the black cats! My life wouldn't be as entertaining without mine!
My dream cat is a black cat with green eyes. Someday...but for now I'll just enjoy gazing upon your spectacular art!!
Beautiful, Carolee!! Thanks for the comment, too! :)
Hi Carolee ~ You already know how much I love this one! '-)
AND I have always known black cats were lucky too.
Chris :)
Your work is Amazing!
Sandra Evertson
I adore this piece. Why can't I be rich so I can bid on it. It would look so wonderful in my new purple bathroom. BTW, did you get me a house warming present?? I forgot:)
Carolee, that is wonderful that you adopted cats. I feel for all of the pets in shelters waiting for good homes. We have a black and white mix named Roux. He's sassy and I love him! I would love to adopt another cat, especially a black one. Interesting post too. You and Chris had some good ones!
Hi, Carolee! Sheesh, i love your blog.....I just can not get enough of it! Thanks for stopping by mine! ((hugs))
~Missy Sue
Cool painting!
What a fun tour of your blog--and how fortunate to receive one of Mica's creations!
Great, beautiful work Carolee!
Thanks so much, all. I'll have to post a photo of the real life kitties on here sometime, hehe....
~ Carolee
Hi Kindred Spirit Carolee, your artwork is beautiful be it BLACK CATS, YORKIES OR HOLIDAY FAIRES of any kind...
THANK YOU for the link too. As you know, I'm working on special links with enchanting information & PICs for all my special friends & magick family too. I know how much we love our fur babies, especially the rescued ones. My new black cat baby is becoming a jealous one of all my other black cats & their fur adoptive family members. Now 'Magick' is getting into mischief everywhere.
THANKS for stopping by & leaving your lovely comment. Wishing you & yours (John Especially) & all your fur babies well too.
XOXOs, Lyndy
P.S. Lovely doll you won in the drawing!
Hi Carolee!
Happy Saturday to you :).
I love the lucky black cat stories, too cool! My next cat will be black.
I was amazed at how many black kittens and cats were at our local shelter just before Halloween, yikes.. that kind of bothered me. Poor things.. perhaps they put a hold on adoptions on them until after Halloween.. I should have asked.
Thank you for your kind comments on my blog :). The pink and black are certainly different and fun!
Have a wonderful weekend, and best to you with your beautiful paintings!
xo Kitty
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