She graced us last night, and well into today with what they're now calling an "Epic Snowstorm". Now, given the fact that our local weather people tend to be nervous nellies, I usually take pronouncements like this with a grain of salt. But in this case, they were right on the money....

This is the backyard pond at about 9AM - the snow continued to fall until about 2PM, so you can imagine!

And a VERY good weekend for painting.
After making some headway on a Halloween commission, I decided to paint a few tiny boxes for Valentine's and St Patrick's days. Here they are in progress. They'll have little cat faces on top when they're finished, and will make an appearance in the Etsy shop very soon.

I also painted a Celtic Cat treasure box yesterday, now on eBay....

So I'm not cursing the snowstorm, but rather blessing it. It threw my schedule off by a few days, moved some things around, changed some completion dates, but sometimes you just have to go with the flow...or the flakes, as the case may be. ;)
That's about it for now. I'm off to have a very late supper, snuggle into a comfy chair and get a bit of knitting done.
I hope whatever weather Mother Nature has bestowed upon you, you find the blessing in it. :)
♥ Carolee
I'm always in such awe at how effortlessly painting comes to you!
Amazing photos...I would so be taking that weather to full advantage also. Stay warm and happy painting.
Sounds like a perfect day to me :-)
cute doggies, they look like they are having fun!
and I love your cat treasure box!
glad you've got the right idea about being snowed in, it can be a blessing sometimes
stay warm
Your painting is SO good! I have been following you on PFATT for a while now. Love your stuff!
WOW! That is some snow! Actually, we were hearing the same thing about the storm here and NOTHING! Not one flake! It was all very mysterious!
Love the new works in progress--and your dogs! I have an Aussie too, lives with my parents in Florida! That's one great breed of dog! :)
What a doozy storm!... That is a fun photo of your Aussies, it looks like a painting! Love the kitty boxes.
Curse in my case...Hope U R staying warm! '-)
Snowed in CK (-:
Oh my, that is a lot of snow. we have snow i the forecast for tonight and tomorrow but hopefully we won't get as much as you all did. LOve thos doggy eyes and the boxes. I'd say you are being very productive. Awesome!!
Love your new boxes, at least the pups look like they are having a great time in the snow, as aours did. Keep warm and safe. Lindaxx
I'm in Quarryville, PA and we got at least 24 inches. It's very beautiful to look at, but it was not fun at all shoveling the driveway a bazillion times. We have a very long driveway that goes up hill and curves at the top. Thank goodness for our neighbors and their plows.
I really hope Tuesday/Wednesday doesn't bring too much more snow cause ugh....there's just nowhere else to put it! :)
ohhh, that looks super cold. Love your cat box! I am going to check it out on ebay. Thanks for stopping by my giveaway. It is nice to 'meet' you
Shona Cole
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