We're as prepared as possible - plenty of comfort food, lots of tea and honey, hot cocoa, warm jammies, blankets and duvets, good books to read, knitting to be done, scrabble...and of course, painting. Lots and lots of painting. What more could anyone ask? :)
As I write this, there is still one item listed on eBay, but I want to share a bit of Etsy goodness too. I finally managed another update, listing four new trinket boxes, all up for grabs in the Etsy shop. Here's a peek at just a couple...

I had hoped for a more extensive update, as the Etsy items tend to go rather quickly, but with commission work pending, and a storm on the way, well....let's just say I'm keeping very busy, hehe.
I hope everyone in the path of this latest storm is faring well... I'm sure I'll be back with photos very soon. In the meantime, I plan to make the most of it, by way of cooking and creating....
Wishing you all a magical week, and wishing those here in the mid Atlantic states warmth and safety as you weather the storm!
Until next time,
♥ Carolee
Oh wow... you guys have been buried!!!
I wish you a much lighter second round of snow!
LOVELY new goodies as always! :-)
I CANNOT believe we are getting more!!! ~ UGH!!! :-O)
I just hope that I will be able to venture out on my birthday this Sat...GEEZ :-(
I feel rather selfish in saying this, but I'm glad you are housebound so you can create more fantasstic art! I love seeing the new projects you have created.
I do hope though, that you don't go stir crazy - or if you do, that you make a stir crazy little box for us all to see.
Prepare for even more snow after today's storm - have a heavy rainstorm right now here in Cali - hit earlier than predicted and it is heavy and nasty. It's headed your way!
So load up on more warm goodies, blankies, and wood for the fire!
Oh, and paint too - !!
Love the boxes. Here's wishing you a warm and cocoa filled day while the storm hits. One things for sure I'm sure you got quite the creative storm going, all cooped up!
These are real treasures. Thanks for sharing!
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