There's magic in autumn, don't you think?

We'll visit local orchards and farmer's markets for crisp apples, and make homemade applesauce and pies. We'll clear the pond of summer leaves and debris, and slowly wean the koi off their summer diet, in preparation for winter dormancy. And we'll put t-shirts and linen pants in the old cedar chest, and bring out the sweaters and scarves. Knitting (done only half heartedly in the summer) will begin again in earnest. Here's a photo of my yarn share from Juniper Moon Fiber Farm - isn't it gorgeous!?

And in the studio, well - it's been autumn for months! Preparation for the upcoming Ghoultide Gathering is in full swing, with everything from trinket boxes to ornament chests and large paintings, and I'm having SUCH fun playing with decoupage and adding bits of vintage hardware to some of the pieces.
Also making me giddy is the opportunity to meet collectors and fellow artists in person (always the best part of any show!) I'll be sending postcards very soon with an admission discount, so if you're planning to attend and are not already on the mailing list, drop me a line. Oh - and DO mention when making reservations (the Hampton Inn in Northville, MI) that you're attending the show - they'll give you a super reasonable room rate!
Just to whet your appetite for Halloween art, here's a video of last year's show...
MAGIC, yes?!
Finally, I have to tell you to scroll down one post for information on a fabulous new networking site for creatives! I'm there, as are many artist and collector friends - do drop by and register if you have the chance. :)
That's it for today - I'm off to paint some Wicked Jack pieces, teehee...I'll be back very soon, and in the meantime, I wish you all the magic and all the blessings of an early autumn!!
Lovely post. :-)
I am very excited for the fall as well. I am loving this post, you had me at mums and pumpkins. ;p
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