I've done quite a bit of it over the years, and in fact, am off this morning to do some sign painting for our local vet, in exchange for veterinary services for our five fur-kids. Here are two of them, Cosmo and Cadie the Wonder Dogs...

The thing is, I have a skill and the veterinarian has a skill. Neither of us is capable of doing what the other does, so recognizing that, we arrive at an agreement that benefits both of us.
Over the years, I've used whatever artistic ability I have in exchange for a pretty wide range of things, for instance, a year's share at a local CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) farm - basically free organic produce for our entire family from May through early November, including produce to freeze for the winter. Here's a pic of the illustration I bartered...

The first step is to keep an eye out for people who may have a need for your services. Whether you paint, knit, sew, cook - whatever your skill, odds are someone else out there doesn't have it. Talk to people in your community about your particular skill - make it known that you Do What You Do! Our vet became aware of my skill when I painted her a little "thank you" canvas for going above and beyond with one of our dogs. She remembered it and approached me about this recent project.
It helps to carry business or calling cards wherever you go, and to have a website or blog documenting your talents. But there's no substitute for word of mouth, especially in a small community. Put yourself and your talents out there - talk to people, and when it comes right down to it, just ASK. The worst that can happen is the other party won't be interested, in which case you're no worse off than you were before.
In this difficult economy, bartering may just be an idea whose time has come. In fact, there's even a hospital in Brooklyn bartering health care for mural painting. And how cool is that?
So give it a try. Not only will you share your skills, but you're likely to make new friends in the community. :)
♥ Carolee
Great post! I haven't done much bartering in the past. I tend to make things and give them away. But I'd love to barter for vet service, especially with my kitties getting to be seniors. Again, thanks for the idea.
Your dogs are beautiful! That's one lucky vet too. I don't exactly barter - but I often donate art for our shelter support group's projects and for their raffles and things.
Bartering is such a fab idea. I've done a good bit of it in the past- out village used to run a barter scheme, and I'm about to offer a 'trade or barter'on my blog, to celebrate my birthday, as I desperately want some lovely goodies,and have no cash to spare at the moment!
Wow, must be something in the creative community airwaves...I was thinking about bartering just yesterday. I've only done it a couple of times, but I'd love to do more, it's such a fabulous idea. And I have to admit, I DO like the idea of subverting the 'cash economy' and thinking outside the square!
Your fur kids are incredibly cute! I have five (2 dogs/3 cats) and my Vet is going to hear from me. She has some art in the treatment rooms, but not nearly enough! I do most of my "exchanges" at art shows between artists! Good way to collect favorite pieces.
I love doing trades too! But normally don't feel as comfortable approaching and asking. Bartering is a great resource, especially in a tough economy when budgets are slashed but services still need to be rendered.
What a wonderful idea - I have 13 cats and 8 dogs - all strays/rescues, I wonder if my vets would consider that!! perhaps I will have to do some paintings, not sure they would want any art dolls hanging around!!
Beautiful dogs in the picture - what breed are they? I have 2 dogs that look a bit similar - they were both strays that turned up on our land. Probably dumped off like the others.
Lovely to meet you (from The Hive!)
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