Flying in quickly to show you the final result of the previous post's work in progress, an original, one of a kind, Christmas sewing chest...

The interior features a shallow tray, perfect for scissors, needles, thread, bobbins, etc...

It lists on eBay this evening at 9PM eastern. :)
(Back to commissions now!!)
♥ Carolee
Oh it cam out so lovely!
Absolutely beautiful Carolee and embellished to perfection! I can't believe how quickly you got it completed! Some lucky person is going to have a treasure. Thanks for sharing, Deb
This is a beautiful piece! I am humbled by your talent. I'd like to put that on my wish list so (sew-hahaha) if anyone wants to know what to get me, it would be this box!! Well done!
Ilene Rubin
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